Monday was the same as last week. We went out for about 30 minutes to do groceries, but other than that I just called some of you all. Even though it seems lame, I truly do look forward to that every week no doubt to call all of you.
Tuesday we had the privilege to meet in the Lansing Stake Center and meet with Elder and Sister Bennett. Elder Bennett is a member of the 70 who covers the North American Northeast Missions. The Midland and Lansing Zone gathered in the Lansing Stake Center. There were about 70 of us. I got to see Elder Hanson and Davis which was a huge plus. Miss those good elders. When the meeting began it was about 9:40 am. The spirit flooded the room when we all sang Called to Serve. This was a spiritual high. We counseled with one another and how we can increase our effectiveness in the work. Obedience was heavily emphasized. Many got chastised by the Spirit and it was really a sweet experience. The Spirit was overflowing in this room, I am truly grateful to have received the Gift of The Holy Ghost. So many impressions and prompting I received during the time I was there. It went from 9:40 am to 3:05 pm. It was scheduled to go until 1, but we went two hours over haha. Moral of the Story is I love The Comforter.
Thursday was the day God sent a godly man into the Charlotte Area. I went on exchanges with the zone leaders and I went with Elder Luke Tueller. This exchange was the greatest one of my mission. Thursday was the most helpful day thus far on my mission. Elder Tueller is great at what he does. He invited the Spirit and he loved me how Christ would. He gave me examples how I can help further the work here in Charlotte. He lovingly asked me to work better in certain areas. It didn't come across as rude or upfront, but so loving. We did some amazing work in Charlotte. We testified, we preached, and we found new friends to teach. I hope and pray that someday I would have the privilege to be companions with this man. He is one of the closest friends I have on this mission and I love him! He also got a pretty dank first name. I never knew how much I needed this exchange until it was over. We laughed, cried, and testified together. I will never forget the day of this sacred exchange with one of my best friends.
Michigan weather still seems to shock me. It started off being 70 degrees and sunny this week. For the remainder of the week it was 40 degrees and windy, then on Saturday morning it showed and the high was 32 degrees that day.
We had a funny door knocking experience. We knock on this door and the door just opens. There was a screen door between us and the dog in the house came up to the screen door and started barking. We starting saying,"hello? Anyone there??" Since the door just randomly opened. After 30 seconds the door then just closed. We never saw anyone or anything move. It just shut. It was so strange, yet very funny.
This week has had its ups and downs. Everyday and every time I am not doing missionary work, I just want to go home. I have had thoughts of calling it quits, calling President, and packing my bags. Satan really smacks me with homesickness. He's like, wouldn't it be nice to go play basketball with budday, or hang out with Brooki, or go play some pickleball with the family. Of course I agree with Satan on that one, but when I start having these feelings, I drop to my knees and plead with Father that he will bless me with the diligence to further his work. This week I worked. These two years aren't for Luke or Elder Clouse, they are set apart for Jesus Christ. This is for him, not me. I am giving him my all. I could never let my Savior down, I know my efforts are not wasted. They bless me and all of you! I love Jesus Christ so much.
I have to mention our friend Jeffrey. He self referred himself about two weeks ago. We have been visiting with him at the hotel he is currently staying at. He loves the things we are teaching him and he's keeping all the commitments. He came to church yesterday and this man is so golden. He bore his testimony during fast and testimony meeting. Insane. I KNOW. He also had so many comments in Elders Quorum. This man introduced himself to almost every member of the branch. He loved church so much and I even got a photo with him so you all will see that.
This area has truly been blessed the past couple of weeks as we put forth diligent effort. We had the chance to find 6 more friends to teach on top of our 8 friends last week. The Lord provides! It's not me, it's the Spirit that works through me. God is so good yall.
This was a shorter one since all I am doing is putting my head down and working. Elder Millward and I still have our differences and we still do not click one bit, BUT the work in Charlotte is still pressing forward. No one can stop the Lord. I love you all so so much. Please reach out to me. I would love to chat with you. I cherish the time on pday that I get to speak with each one of you. As always #FindTime4Me