Monday, March 27, 2023

Getting More Uncomfortable

 My last day in Battle Creek was a memorable one. We got almost everything packed the night before so on preparation day we did not have to do much packing. We got to go over to the Snowbergers and play some pool. Our whole district came to their home and Sis Snowberger made us some GRUB. It was yummy. Very sad to leave the area of Battle Creek. 

Transfer day was long. We had to get up at 530am to make sure we had everything packed and ready before we boarded the T-van around 645am. I got to see Elder Woolsey and talk with him on the tvan for 40 minutes. That was a blessing. I did in fact transfer with my exercise bike, 50 lb dumbbells, 20 lb dumbbells, and a pull up bar. We take rising in shining seriously over here. I was with two other elders for the day as I awaited Elder Howard until 530 pm. We drove to our area and finished getting groceries and unpacking around 11pm. 

The place I now live in is a home. It was honestly left really nice when I got here. The elders that were leaving here prior to me were somewhat clean. We only had to deep clean the house for about 3 hours. Nothing in comparison to my previous housing switches. We have a front and back yard. One of the chores we have to do is mow the lawn, say what!!! A weird downside is that the water here tastes tart. I have no idea how to explain it. 

After a couple of days in this area it made me realize how difficult this transfer will be. There is a lot of finding planned. At the beginning of the week we had 0 people to teach. It's really unfortunate. It is a jurastic change from last year. Oh how I will miss Battle Creek. The Lord truly wants to test me for my final two transfers as a missionary for Him. 

Friday was a momentum building day. It was so needed. We decided to go out knocking and man was it fruitful. We are finally all settled in and nothing is holding us back. We are giving this area our all and we will see success. I am stoked. Don't get me wrong, this is difficult, but I am learning to get more uncomfortable and give more to the Lord. 

This area is very similar to Charlotte. We do have a bigger church building which is a plus. There are about 30-50 members that come to church on Sunday. The areabook that we have is probably a quarter size of the last ateabook I had which is crazy. Since there isn't much to do, a majority of our time now is spent knocking. Pounding some doors to finish the mission strong! The Branch President is literally so amazing. He looks and acts like Chandler Bing, not joking. He's so funny to work with. I love it.

Every Sunday night there is FHE at a members home here. All the youth come together. One of the youth leads a spiritual thought out of PMG, we eat breakfast for dinner, and then play a game. There is a surprising amount of youth in this branch. Around 15 kids. Which is like half the congregation haha. The FHE is needed because we are exhausted by the end of the week. 

A scripture I read this morning just sunk deep into my heart. It is in Alma 26:27:

"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success."

I will give the Lord my heartfelt all these last two transfers. I will come home with confidence knowing that I gave everything for my Savior these past two years. I love you all and yes I still have that zeal of a missionary still in me. Reach out :)). 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Mission Bingo

 This week started off so good! On Monday we drove up to Grand Rapids for the day since I had to pick up my new contacts due to my previous ones breaking. It was about a 90 minute drive. We decided to stay in GR the whole day. We traveled to the church and walking into it again was so nostalgic. It made me miss my old area so much. We just played ball with the elders serving there, and grabbed some grub, went to the mall, and Elder Madsen wanted to go to some pawn shops. By the time we got home I was exhausted, but it was fun. 

We usually have a district council on Wednesday. District council is when the district leader leads a training for an hour and a half with the district he leads over. This week it got moved to Tuesday so President and Sister Heap could be available to join it. Throughout the council, President Heap did our interviews then. He pulled out missionaries one by one to do their transfer interviews. My interview with President was good as usual. He brought up that I only have 2 transfers left and that I will be leaving Battle Creek. He didn't hint anything else, but I know later in this email you will figure out where I'm being transferred to. The treat I made for everyone in the district this week was banana nice cream. You can never go wrong with that. 

The birthday of my son! Elder Madsen had his birthday on Wednesday. To celebrate he wanted to go to Red Lobster and I was all for it. I actually never been and I decided to get their shrimp Tacos. Those bad boys did not disappoint. It was a fun memory that we have now. He turned 20 years old. My son is older than me, I don't know how that works, but it does. If you are curious why I refer to Elder Madsen as,"my son." It is because I was his first companion in the mission field. I love Elder Madsen. 

Later in the week it was Budday's birthday! Weston turned 18. That's literally insane. Over in Michigan, we had a tough day. Our lessons keeped canceling and we just did not have any energy. The clock seemed to tick slower and the day just never ended. After we ended our day at 9pm, we were both so happy to get to bed. I wish we could avoid these days as missionaries, but they do happen. If I never had these days, I would never know what the happy days were like.

Saturday we received our transfer calls and our minds were blown. We both are getting booted out of Battle Creek. Elder Madsen and I are both going to seperate areas and are "white washing." This means that we are both getting new companions who are also brand new to that area. I will be going to South Haven which is on the west coast of Michigan. Its a tourist city since it's along Lake Michigan. I will be receiving Elder JT Howard. He's from California. I actually served around him while I was in Grand Rapids. He was trained by Elder Reese. Also, here is news that I have to say. I apologize to Elder Woolsey. Elder Woolsey got assigned as AP. What a goat. Love that man. #Woolseyisastriver

I will now have served in 6 different areas 
 and all 6 different zones in the Michigan Lansing Mission. I have accomplished mission bingo. Big ups. 

This week has felt too long. I have no idea why. Today I will be packing. I am actually transferring with the exercise bike and all the weights that I have. I only have 3 more months until sexy.

I love you all. Jesus Christ lives! We worship the living Christ. Never forget that. 

Monday, March 13, 2023

Sermon Preached

 Monday was quite unfortunate. We were planning on our trip to Grand Rapids, but it turns out my contact lense did not come in until Tuesday. We are traveling there today and we are just making it a day trip. I did get to finish prepping up my classes for the fall of 2023 semester at UVU. That's crazy. Shoutout to T. She is the best. To end my preparation days you already know I had to hit another workout. 

Tuesday was the most fatiguing day for me. I woke up exhausted and It felt like I had to drag my feet everywhere. It looked like we were going to be everywhere non-stop. Then one lesson kept canceling after another. We had to utilize all our backup plans throughout the day. We did find a ton of success in the huge finding blocks we then had. At the beginning of each new "finding" block (finding just means a way to find people to teach) we had to plead with the Lord on our knees that we would have the energy and diligence necessary to further his work. It was a grind. 

We got to experience a man on the run from the cops. We were at service at Habitat for Humanity removing furniture from a truck. We were in the back parking lot and a homie skirts around the corner going about 45 miles an hour and nearly runs into the garage we were working at. A cop car was cruising behind him and it looked like he was in no rush. Within 3 minutes, that guy crashed and was arrested after he tried to flee from his car. Moral of the story. Be smart. 

Well, the last exchange of the transfer happened on Thursday. It was with Elder Helaman Tillotson. I led it in my area. We had 8 lessons planned and 2 of them happened. Quite unfortunate, but it's all good. That could've been the last exchange I ever led. I hope my time as district leading will come to an end. 

Max Brown is a recent convert in this area of about 5 months. He was the Amish member I was talking about a couple weeks back. He still lives on an Amish farm and comes into society a couple times a week to meet with us and come to church. He introduced the Book of Mormon to the pastor on his farm. The pastor now wants to read more about it! Max went to his farm on a Sunday and preached a sermon based off the Book of Mormon to 300 people. How amazing is that!

This weekend we moved 2 seperate inactive members. Both of which did not pack in preparation which is completely alright, but just tough. It was good being able to serve since we haven't moved someone in awhile. Thought I would add that plug #Mosiah 2:17

Our time sprung forward so for all the people in Arizona you are now three hours behind me. People in Utah, you are good as always. Love you. 

This week we have been asked to study all of President Nelson's Sunday morning address ever since he became a prophet. I have loved learning more about the words of the living mouthpiece for God. He's a great quote from him:

"Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon."

We experienced some opposition with some people we were teaching. As I daily immersed myself in the scriptures, it gave me the strength and reassurance that I needed. I testify that reading the Book of Mormon everyday allows us to access that Heavenly power. 

Elder Clouse

Monday, March 6, 2023

God Bless You

 I am currently at the point in the mission where I have no idea what to write about. We have had some insane days, but I have a hard time picking and choosing what to say. Monday we got free haircuts from this chick in a salon that I found on Facebook. I was Facebook finding the previous week and she offered haircuts and I pounced on the opportunity. It took her two hours to cut both of our hair and she did us dirty; however, it was for free which was a plus. She was a bit suspicious, but that's a topic for another day. 

Wednesday was exchange day. We began the day with the district council in the morning. Something tragic happened however. I was putting in my contacts for the day and as I went to clean it, the lense shattered. It was so sad. We are traveling to Grand Rapids today to pick a new one up. Anyway, back to my day. I took Elder Monson on an exchange to the area of Marshall. This is my third exchange with Elder Monson. The past two were not as good as this one. The Marshall area is a lot like an area I served in before, Charlotte. It is very rural, not many people, and the areabook is pretty small. In the past it hasn't had the best missionaries so it seems pretty dead. We had a great day being diligent in the Lord's vineyard and saw miracles. God delights in obedience. 

Thursday we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders. Elder Nathan Rasmussen came here to Battle Creek with me while Elder Madsen went to WMU. We had a normal day of missionary work. Elder Rasmussen was a very chill, quiet, laid back person so the exchange was alright. He actually came out to Michigan with me. I was glad to be back with Elder Madsen again by the end of the night. 

We received a referral two weeks ago for a man named Sut. We couldn't get in contact with him through his number or email so we decided to stop in. He doesn't speak English, but Burmese. He's an older fellow who was a reverend in the previous country he lived in. We by the grace of God found 2 of the 6 missionaries in the world that speak Burmese. They are located in Thailand and they are 12 hours ahead of us. We have now been teaching Sut in Burmese while these missionaries video call in. Sut said,"I need to know more about this Joseph Smith guy." It is always tender to hear his broken English,"God bless you."

Friday afternoon we got pounded with snow. We received around 6 inches of snow that day. We remained inside and did a lot of finding from our apartment. The Battle Creek areabook has over 2000 names and you can call areabook for hours and find success. It is a sweet benefit while serving here. 

On Saturday morning I finished my fourth full Book of Mormon read. Throughout this read I was mainly focused on things pertaining to revelation. Everytime I finish reading the Book of Mormon I write my testimony. I was reading what I wrote 6 months ago and so much has changed since that. Everytime I hope to receive an overwhelming confirmation about the Book of Mormon when I ask God about it. All I get is a whisper that says,"you already know it is true." I came to know that the Book of Mormon was true by small and simple reading of it. It wasn't all at once. As I have ready it throughout my mission, I have received a firm answer that it is in fact the word of God. 

In Preach My Gospel it says,"all that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ." Anything and everything. Elder Renlund clearly taught that we cannot let unfair circumstances corrode our faith in God. Rather than becoming bitter about circumstances, let Him allow you to be better. I testify that Jesus Christ makes all infuriating unfairness right through His infinite sacrifice for us. 

I believe we are taking a road trip to Grand Rapids today so I will be bored in the car. Reach out if I haven't heard from you in awhile.

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