Saturday, August 7, 2021

Lansing Here I Come!

This was the best week of the Home Missionary Training Center ever. I got to fly up to Utah and meet Elder Jorgensen and Elder Moore, aka the two best elders ever. It is so crazy how I met them three weeks ago and now I feel like they know me best. 

We went to Elder Jorgy's church from 12-2. Elder Jorgensen is Elder Jorgy in case you might have been a little confused. It was a fast sunday so me being the missionary I am I had to fast. Growing up we all fasted until 12 pm, and now that I fasted until 4 pm I can say that fasting is will be a challenge during the mission. During the testimony meeting I was watching everyone go up and I just felt like I needed to go for some reason. So I went up there and just shared a short testimony and I just thought that was dope. Slight flex.

I had the chance to meet the Moore family. They are all so awesome, they were all so welcoming, all his siblings and I got along well, Brother and Sister Moore as well were even extra awesome. Sister Moore made us breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday I was there. Brother Moore and I always roasted each other because I would talk crap on how he was probably not good at basketball (we never had the chance to play so I can say I was better). A thing that just is so absurd to me is that Brother Moore is the creator of the ESPN NBA theme song. Like whattttttt. He was showing us his projects and it is so mind boggling on how talented that man is with any instrument. I also got to meet the Jorgensen family and they were so sweet and loving to me. Brother Jorgy smoked Ribs and Tri-tip on Sunday, and Dad you got some competition. Brother Jorgensen did say he doesn't know how to cook a brisket welI, so of course I had to hype up Dr. Clouse saying how amazing he is with the Green Egg. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to meet these two families. 

All of the classes this week went by really fast and the time I was in Utah went by too fast. The whole week we went to VASA before every class. I am a VASA bro now. They did push me a lil too much because we did legs on Monday and I am still sore as I am writing this email. Every class this week was just practicing teaching and reviewing. So we did not really learn anything new. I can say I am ready for the field, but I also am not. I am sad that I wont see my district anymore, but am stoked to meet more dope missionaries in the field. 

On one of the nights we met up with almost our whole district. I got to meet 7 out of the 11 members in our district in person. We went to Classic Skating and missionaries skate free in Utah which is lit. After skating we went to PF Changs to munch on some food and this concluded the night with our district. All of the elders and sisters were super chill and laid back. The running joke in our whole district is that I do not understand anything and I am immature because I am the only one who is 18. But in their heads they are thinking I am the shortest youngest, yet MOST AMAZING missionary ever.

Time for spiritual thought. Elder Moore was sharing the final opening scriptural insight at the beginning of class and he shared a talk from President Monson. It was the talk Dare To Stand Alone. In the concluding parts of it, Monson says," Dare to be a Mormon. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm. Dare to make it known." This quote is so legendary. You guys should all watch the Gospel video that goes with it because it is so powerful. Standing up for our church in this day and age is needed. Always Always Always make the gospel of Jesus Christ known. 

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