Monday, August 30, 2021

Starting Low and Ending High

 This week did not start off so great. So on Monday evening we decided to go knocking. No one answered, people went from on their porch to inside, got cursed at, and it just overall felt pointless. The following day we had 5 lessons planned. 1 o'clock rolls around, the first lesson is canceled, 2 o'clock the second lesson is canceled, 3 o'clock another lesson is canceled. So 3 out of the 5 lessons were canceled rip. Our dinner appointment with Duff was still good though. He made us lasagna and fresh apple pie. We got to take some food home with us as well! Duff is a little hard to work with like I said before he needs to see things in order to know it is true. Also, we do not know how much he will progress because it seems all he wants is friends, and not be taught. 

That night we had one final lesson with Jazzi. Jazzii has been in a little bit of contact with missionaries for a while now. We are in lesson three with her. As we started talking about baptism a tornado warning began to run throughout the city, winds began to pick up, people began to become loud, so if there was a time Satin was working, it was then. After it all got somewhat cooled down we continued to teach. Elder Elliott felt prompted to invite her to be baptized and she said…. YES. She is planning on being baptized on September 5th, LETS GOOOOOOOOO! When we put someone on a date for baptism, we send a video to our zone chat getting hype. I will make sure to attach that video.

Wednesday was an extremely frustrating day for me. One thing I will do throughout my whole mission is be honest with you guys. I began the day Facebook Finding and I was super successful, I talked to about 25 new people throughout the day which was awesome. Towards the end of the day after dinner we were about to head out to knock on some doors. I invited Elder Reynolds to come with us (side note: Reynolds does not like doing anything, he doesn't clean up after himself, he loves to sleep and do nothing, this frustrates me alot). Elder Candland was perfectly fine to come with us to preach by the way. So I was like let's go Reynolds, and he was like no, so me being the person I am I kept asking him. He then later said "you don't have the right to know why I don't want to go"…. This caught me off guard, but whatever. I still love the kid to death, I know he has such great potential as a missionary which is why he frustrates me sometimes.   Elliott and I left the house and began knocking on doors. We knocked for about 2 ½ hours. Not one person was interested. I began to get extremely frustrated. I believe that door knocking is ineffective, and Facebook Finding is what we should be doing because it uses our time more wisely. Elder Elliott is constantly pushing me (which I know I need) and is  persistent on door knocking everyday so I would love some encouragement about door knocking because I dislike it a lot.

On Thursday something pretty funny happened. Elder Elliott was parking the car outside our house and he saw a squirrel. His instant reaction was to try and hit it. He missed the squirrel and instead he nailed the corner of the brick ledge in front of our apartment building. This cracked the whole brick section up to the stairs. It was so funny. It left a dent in the front right bumper of the car, and popped the headlight a little out. He was stressing about reporting it to the Vehicle Coordinator Specialist. In the end, it was all good, he might get his driving privileges taken for a bit, and we might have the car get finesse from us to get fixed. Yikes. So the Bay City Elders could be walking for a while.

Friday was wild. We Facebook found all day and did normal missionary stuff per usual. At night we taught the Law of Chastity and Word of Wisdom to Jazzii. It was big hype, the spirit was there and it's always dope when someone says they will try and live those two commandments. Afterwards, we decided to go to downtown Bay City to take a photo for my profile picture. Right when we got there, the train thing that we saw in New Zealand that brings drunk people around arrived. So the whole squad of drunk people hopped off and came towards us. One girl flashed us mid photo, haha yikes. We did get some amazing photos with the drunk people. I got beer on my shirt and pants but it was all for good fun. Drunk people are wild. Don't drink kids.

I forgot to mention on preparation day I decided to print off a photo of President Heap. In the mission you will come to know there are a lot of simps. A simp is when a guy will do anything for a girl who he likes to please her. You just know what elders simp, it's mad obvious. As of right now, I have declined over 50 sister missionary requests on Facebook in our mission because I refuse to add them. No simping for Elder Clouse. So instead the joke is that we simp for President Heap. That is why I have a photo of President Heap put over my desk.

On Saturday I got my first covid shot of Moderna. I'm basically immune to everything now. The next morning my arm was dead. I could barely lift it. As of today, my arm isn't horrible, so moving it around in basketball will be good.

Chaos went down Saturday night. I decided it was time to trim up my hair and Elliott had a hair kit. So Elliott cut up his hair, then did mine. It was all good except on my left side it was a bit too short so we tried to fix it. Idk if it made it worse or better lol. While we were doing that, Candland thought it was funny to mess around with a lighter. He got too close to my armpit and he caught my armpit hair on fire. Candland found out that night that deodorant is flammable. No hard feelings, I just slapped some aquaphor on the burn. 

Sunday was Elder Candland's birthday YUHHHHH. We began the day heating up some of the homemade cinnamon rolls mom sent us. Delicious. We had a long day at the church, we were there from 10-3…. All good though. Towards two o'clock the vaccine started to get the best of me. I began to feel extremely tired and had a bad headache. But me being the amazing missionary I am, I took it like a champ. Came home and took some Tylenol (I know I took a pill on my own). I made Candland some chicken and rice for dinner, then later that night I made him a cake. I am the cook, maid, and head of the house basically. This place would low-key be a wreck if I didn't clean it.

Today is Elder Ernest Elliott's birthday. He is the big 1-9. We are celebrating his birthday in Saginaw (about 30 minutes from us) at Olive Garden with 6 other elders. We are like 300 miles over our given mileage for the month, but it's his birthday cmon now. The ZLs came as well. They are actually hype though which is kind of rare. My district and zone are awesome #MidlandZoneBaby

It has been another frustrating week as a missionary. We had probably 18 lessons scheduled this week and we only did about 5. Time and time again this keeps happening. I know that these are just trials being thrown at Elliott and I. We need trials to grow and develop, which is one reason why we are here on this earth. As all of you have trials in your own lives, the best thing you could do is turn towards Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's Atonement. He knows what you are going through. He knows how to help and what you need. Seek this in daily prayer, the small quiet voice of the spirit will speak to you. I testify of that!!!!

I love all of you guys so much. I am praying for each one of you everyday. I got some photos coming through on Facebook! I'll be on messenger all day, shoot me a text;)))

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