Monday, November 15, 2021

Cigarettes and Marijuana

 The week started with a fun Preparation Day! We went to the clock tower with our district and walked throughout downtown. Who knew one of the worlds largest antique stores is in Bay City Michigan. Concluding our Pday we had to go pick up photos I printed at Walmart a week ago. Elder Elliott and I are starting a trend of putting a framed photo of you in the apartment. It will probably die out, but it was great while it lasted. Since it was only 9 cents for a photo, I printed like 70. I put them in my room as a collage, I'll make sure to add it to the photos.

We went to a lesson on Tuesday and man it reeked of cigarettes and Marijuana. It was this guy who has been in and out of jail for countless years. When we left their home all of our clothes smelt like smoke and it was just caked into my skin. It was gross. I had to scrub it off my skin and immediately wash all my clothes. Gotta love Michigan Ganders. 

One of the days this week I decided to make mom's BBQ chicken recipe. I was then broiling the chicken on high. My timer went off and I put on the hot glove to grab it out of the oven. The thumb part of the oven mit was wet and instantly burnt me. My reaction was to use my other hand and grab it to put it on the stove. Now both my hands got burns on them, but nothing bacitracin can't fix.

On Wednesday, one of the sisters calls us and asks us for a priesthood blessing. We all met up at the church at 8 o'clock. This was such a spiritual experience. They were all struggling with some things within themselves. Elder Johnsom gave a priesthood blessing to one of them and I gave the other. It was so powerful, for some reason I began to tear up mid blessing. I LOVE THE PRIESTHOOD. I love Joseph Smith. I love this church. The gospel has been restored. 

This week we had a ward council meeting on Tuesday night. The reason we are having this via zoom is because we were talking about reopening the church. We came to the conclusion that we are going to postpone church one more time due to covid. Right when I get on the zoom link I am usually muted. Turns out when I got on this link I was unmuted. I immediately saw Bishop and Brother Rase and I go,"YOOOOO SQAUADDD!!!" Brother Rase let out a laugh and I was like oh snap I'm unmuted. The high councilmen and Stake members just laughed and shook their heads. Moral of the story, do not say something before you are muted haha! 

This past week my stomach has been acting up. Just been Gassy and I bet you all missed that. Elder Johnson gets a little bit mad, but hides his emotions about it haha. Its my bowel movements I can't control them. 

On Friday we had a companion inventory. This was needed even though we already had companionship unity. We talked about our differences and Elder Johnson opened up with his struggles. The solution for this is work. I will work this transfer with all my heart and serve my companion. I already truly love Elder Johnson, I really do. I have been placed here for a reason and I am learning a ton from his example. I love my mission so much!

Jazzii after one month of not one peep from her IS BACK. I could've gone into tears when she texted, AHHHHH MIRACLES. I love it here, she's back and she's ready to go. We had a lesson with her on friday and she still remembers every lesson we told her and she is so prepared by the Lord. Might become a son of mosiah so I can extend my mission 12 more years. 

This week I found a kid named Nate on Facebook. We set up a time to meet and we went over to his home. He lives in the ghettoest part in Bay City called Bay Town. This is usually where the drug deals and shootings go down. He is always high or drunk and it turns out he's only 17 years old. It makes me so sad because I have learned to love this kid, but he's going down such a bad path. We are meeting with him often to try and get him on the right path. It is hard to feel the Spirit during our lessons because of his vulgar language. His house reeked of cigarettes and Marijuana, but not as bad as the house earlier this week. I even snagged a photo with him, so you'll see that! It truly means the gospel is for everyone.

Sunday was the first snowfall in Bay City this winter. Living in snow is pretty cool. The snow did not stick, however it is cool to live where snow falls. I know I know I'm not going to like it when it doesn't ever go away, but as it says in D&C 122:7,"All these things shall give thee experience." I'm reading to preach the gospel in the snow! 

Quote of the week, I know I missed it last week. 

"Elder that is not okay"

I was putting up my collage full of photos from my first two transfers on my wall. Elder Johnson sees two photos of Elder Elliott and I when we were slumped on my bed taking a nap. He states, "Elder that is not okay." He then pulled out the standards to say Elders sleep in the same room, but not the same bed. I laughed about it and said we did that because Elder Elliott and I had so much companionship unity. I was laughing a lot because he is actually concerned about me and told me to burn photos since it wasn't allowed.  

On Friday a gave a short training on 1 Nephi 8 to our zone. Verse 12 it says, " And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy; wherefore, I began to be desirous that my family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was desirable above all other fruit." All of us in our family have tasted a little nibble of this fruit. Some others might have eaten half of the fruit like dad.  It is just important to partake of the fruit continually. The fruit is Gods and Jesus Christ's love they have for us. The way we can feel that love is through the Book of Mormon. I extended an invitation to the missionaries and I'll let you ponder what you will do. Take a bigger bite. The Lord needs people to take a bigger bite. How will you take a bigger bite [of the fruit]? Don't take too big of a bit because if you do you might choke. 

You guys are so awesome! If you are reading this, just know I love you so much! Hit me up on messenger when you guys get a chance.

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