Monday, December 20, 2021

Will You Be Baptized?

 Last preparation day with Elder Johnson. We got all of our stuff done. At 1030 we got a haircut from Sister Idalski and she faded me up! Afterwards we went to the church to play some board games and have a nerf war. We played this game called Bang! I lost the fist game, but the following game I won. I was on Sister Mamata's team. To end the game we ganged up on her trainee Sister Painter and she forfeited. She was not about it hahaha. 

Tuesday was transfer day. We woke up and Elder Johnson packed all of his belongings up. Got to Mount Pleasant around 11 to eat lunch with the Petoskey Elders. Got some QDOBA. It was alright. I got to see everyone in the Midland and Traverse City Zone there. It was so good to see Elder Elliott! I missed him so much, of course we got some photos. It was weird seeing him because it has been so long. I then found out Elder Sargent will be my companion for the next two days. We headed to B-dubs to grub on some wings. Unfortunately I was still not feeling too well so we chilled and Facebook found the rest of the night. 

Wednesday was such an amazing day. Elder Sargent and I got to do a full day of work in Bay City. We had 6 lessons and they all happened! Elder Sargent and I are very similar. We both have so much fun in the work and we both strive to be exactly obedient! We saw miracles and laughed so much together. It was weird actually talking to my companion in the car and when it was past 9 o'clock. We taught with such unity like we knew each other for a long time. I really hope we get the chance to serve together sometime. 

It was time to find out who I will be with for the next three months. Elder Sargent and I drove to Lansing and arrived around 10:30. We joined the training that was being given to all the new trainees. All the trainers had the chance to give some advice before we were assigned our trainees. I am paired up with Elder Hanson! He's such a stud. He is a lot like Mason Bueler. A little on the quieter side, but once you get to know him he's really funny and outgoing. He loves to work, he's a farm boy, and he loves hunting. Mason, Magnus, or Nathan would love this guy. Since I was in Lansing they catered us chick-fil-a! After we ate lunch and packed up his luggage it was then time to drive back to Bay City. Turns out I went through Flint Michigan which is not allowed in our mission because I left the mission boundaries twice! I left them on the way to and going back from Lansing. Office elders were disappointed with me, I didn't even know, whatever.

Training so far has been so great! It is making me a better missionary and seeing Elder Hanson grow has been so cool. I hope he likes me because I am putting this Elder to work. We are non stop grinding. We laugh a lot together and seem to enjoy each other. I'm glad I got paired up with him. 

Friday was Zone conference. Elder Hanson arrived in the mission field on Thursday and the following day we had Zone conference. It was about an hour away from Bay City in Mount Pleasant Michigan. Rest in peace our miles for our car this month. We have already hit our mile quota for the month and we still have two weeks. For Zone Conference Sister Heap told us if you want to be in the missionary choir anyone can join. We grabbed a bunch of the elders in our zone and went to practice singing prior to the beginning of the Zone conference. Who knew I'm a Tenor/Bass in singing. Not me. I absolutely love all the missionaries in this mission. Our zone conference was combined with Traverse City so I had the chance to be with Elder Elliott again! I miss him so much. 

This past week I have been sick. I wake up with a sore throat and headache everyday. I am losing my voice from singing all the time and being sick. I have a cold I think, but I can't stop doing missionary work. I'm a trainer, grind will not stop. I begin to get a cough here and there, but it will all go away soon. Whenever God wants it to go away I guess. 

The Larson family sent me a package for Christmas! I haven't had candy in awhile and they know I LOVE candy. They packed it full of Smarties and milk duds. They even put some poo-pourri in there. Becky knows me so well. Brooklyn packaged me a stocking and it was so nice. I am way too blessed to be close with the Larson family. They spoil me way too much. Also, the package that mother sent me came the following day. Why am I so spoiled?!?!?!

I am so sorry guys. This email will be very long. We had the biggest miracle of my mission probably on Saturday. Elder Hanson found someone on Facebook and we set up a time to meet. There was four people when we went over there. An excommunicated member, two inactives, and one person who has never heard about the church. The Spirit was overwhelming in this room. We taught the full restoration and then I promptly asked everyone to bear their testimony about the Book of Mormon. The inactive and excommunicated member bore powerful testimonies on how this church and book of mormon is true. We turned back over to Alex (the non member who has never heard about our church) and he was in tears, "I have never felt the spirit of the Lord so strong ever in my life and I know it's because of you two." I looked him in the eyes and said,"Alex, what you feel right now is the Holy Ghost, you can feel that everyday in your life if you are baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Will you be baptized by someone holding proper authority?" Alex immediately said yes and we set a date for January 8th. Three weeks. The Lord prepares people for His message. I am so blessed to have the chance to witness such a miracle with my new companion Elder Hanson.

Saturday night we had to give a couple blessings. One was to Sister Evans in my district because she was having extremely bad ear pain. We gave her a priesthood blessing and the next morning everything was gone. I am so blessed to have the chance to use the priesthood I hold. The priesthood is real. Joseph Smith restored it! I love him!

Quote of the Week: 

"Wait...How does that even work???"

This was a quote given from my amazing trainee Elder Hanson. I was talking about exchanges and then I brought up how since we just have sisters in our district we go on exchanges with them. He sat in silence for a hot second then looked at me and asked in a high pitched tone,"Wait...How does that even work???" It was so funny. It was a had to be there moment, but it was a good one. 

This week was miraculous. I am also extremely overwhelmed and stressed with the tasks I have to do. I know I have to rely on The Lord for everything. Please pray that everything falls into place. I love you all so much. Talk to me on Facebook! #FindTime4Me 

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