Monday, February 21, 2022

Broke Into An Apartment?

Ups and downs this week, that is for sure. Preparation day was so fun! We went to Saginaw to ball up. We usually are not supposed to leave our area, but our zone leader Elder Houskeeper said it was alright so on we went haha. It was only 20 minutes away so nothing too brutal. We then decided to grab some Texas Roadhouse at 3 o'clock. It was delicious. I had left overs and of course got the Pulled Pork Dinner! I felt like I should splurge, I even got a blue crush lemonade. That night we had FHE at Bro Rases. Bro Rase's girlfriend, Heather made us all Jesus shirts. She is a "saved" Christian. She is so nice and we love her. Currently we are meeting with her and trying to talk to her about this restored gospel. She is really stuck because she only thinks The Bible is all we need. Partially true lol. 

We literally saw God's hand in this work on Wednesday. We were driving back home from a teaching appointment. We see these two guys on the side of the road with their car hood up, I felt prompted to pull over so I did. It was Tyson and Jaime. They are both childhood friends and Tysons car just randomly shut down. Elder Hanson went all auto-tech mode on me. Fun fact about Elder Hanson, he did multiple classes in high school about auto tech engineering. His goal in life is to own his very own auto shop. We (he) worked on this vehicle with Tyson for about an hour. About half way through I asked if we could unite in a prayer and ask God for strength to guide Elder Hanson to figure out the problem. After an hour and a half of work, we decided to call it quits and push it to a parking spot. Tyson threw it in neutral as we pushed the car into a safe place to park. Right after we pushed it 50 feet, Tyson decided to try to start his vehicle one more time. IT LITERALLY RAN LIKE NOTHING WAS WRONG. Elder Hanson rehearsed everything in his head and he has no idea how that car magically began to work again. This was the hand of God. Right when it started, Jaime looked over at me and said,"I am DEFINITELY coming to church on Sunday." What a sweet miracle witness as a missionary. We have yet to be in contact since that occurrence, BUT their testimonies about how God is mindful of everyone increased tremendously. 

The weather in Michigan is finally getting to me. On Wednesday the high was 50 degrees and all the snow melted. It was so amazing to go preaching by the way. The following morning it was 20 degrees and it felt like 6. What is this place? It was pouring rain on Wednesday and snowing on Thursday. I love Chandler Arizona. 

We decided to go door knocking this week. It was pretty gnarly. We knocked into a lady that was apart of the Community of Christ church and believed in The Book of Mormon. Turns out that it is actually a branch off of our religion and is an RLDS church. I would have never thought that I would knock into someone's home that believed in the Book of Mormon and now be interested in our message. Since mother was so generous in sending me two books about Church History and Joseph Smith I actually discovered where this strange ladies church began. As you all know Joseph Smith was martyred and Brigham Young was appointed next prophet. A lot of early saints that were not open in traveling to the Great Salt Lake Valley stayed back. Some early saints thought that Brigham Young should not be a prophet, one of those men was James Strang. James Strang convinced maybe people that Joseph Smith secretly gave him the authority to be the prophet. He resettled in Wisconsin and formed the Community of Christ. He swayed the hearts of many and there are now over 250,000 members of this church worldwide.

Our friend Tyler, the man who was struggling with same-sex attraction decided to end discussions with us. He came to the conclusion that "[He] will never not be gay." We promised him that he would have the most joy in his life if he was a worthy endowed Melchizedek Priesthood holder. That's where God wanted him. He is not ready. We asked if he believed in God and he said no. Our job as missionaries was a success. He felt the spirit, we taught him about God's love, and what Jesus Christ did for him. He wasn't fully prepared yet. 

When I heard this news, my heart rejoiced! A man by the name of Patrick Brennan who the Lord led me to on Facebook just made his first covenant with God on Saturday! He was baptized into a ward in Houston Texas. We had a couple of lessons with him via Facebook messenger before we sent him off. I reached out to him to ask why he decided to be baptized. He replied back to me,"His guidance. I  knew that I would be baptized again, properly." I could've gone into tears. My effort is not wasted. The Spirit was very strong when I had the chance on Saturday to watch his baptism. I love how Jesus Christ is the center of this work. I would not and could not of found Patrick without Him. 

Sister Klopf called us during the middle of the week to tell us a funny story about Evelyn. Evelyn is the 6 year old who always runs and jumps on me everytime I see her. She was talking to her family and she was like,"I am so sad Elder Clouse is already gone." Her family was like he hasn't left just yet. She then replied, "he has been my favorite missionary ever…. (delayed dramatic effect) to KICK!" Their whole family started laughing. I will miss that amazing family. You have to love Evy, she is just the best. 

While we were driving home on Thursday night from the church we got a call from the Assistants. They were traveling through Bay City and a snow storm hit, they were giving directions to just spend the night at our place. It was a hype phone call we received. Elder Kibbey, who is one of the assistants who served in Bay City for 6 months and I get along really well. Since he hasn't been in Bay City the past year he was excited. From the time he was here until now we got a brand new apartment. He was curious if we could go see the old apartment to show all of us how run down it was. Side note: the apartment complex we live in is kind of jank. You can card anyone's door with literally a piece of paper. I don't know why I'm telling you all this story, but I want to have it for memories and another testimony that elders are not the brightest when put together. We decided we were going to card the old apartment door to see how bad it was. From the knowledge I had, no one moved into that apartment from the time I carded that door 4 months ago. Elder Elliott and I checked it every now and then for some reason. I quietly go up to apartment 308 and card the door. Right as we open the door a cat with food is on the ground and all you hear is "meow." All of us elders RAN. It turns out that someone moved into that apartment and we just broke in. Who knew I would just get smarter as the mission goes on. It was nice to live with other elders for a night, we had so much fun. Lights were out at 10:30, but we were talking until like 12:30 am. It was rough the next day haha. 

Our apartment inspection was this week. We passed again with flying colors. The senior couple that does it is Brother and Sister Deibel who live in the Saginaw ward. He told us that he looks forward to coming into this apartment because it is so clean. He said we rank sometimes higher than the sisters. Brother Deibel is always impressed when he comes by. As I was chatting with him, he began talking about his son's mission. He was like he spoke some asian language, I was then like was it Laotian? He immediately was like YES. He went on to talk about how his son served in the Freno California mission speaking Laotian from 1992-1994. If I'm not mistaken, that is very close to the time frame dad served in that mission! Isn't that insane. His name was Mike Deibel, he lives in Saginaw with his five kids. My mind was blown. I hope dad knows him or this story will not be as cool. 

My talk on Sunday about obedience and sacrifice was a success. Phew. I believe some of you watched it and so that's cool how we can do that nowadays. After church we had a linger longer, meaning just a potluck lunch. It was very good. That was my fourth linger longer in Bay City, I'm basically a member! 

I have to talk about this. On Sunday we went over to the Klopf home so they could all write in my missionary goodbye journal. After we left, I read them and I have to quote you what Samuel Klopf wrote," Because you are leaving I send you with a fairwell...I say goodbye to send you with a message, here it is. Elder Clouse you are one of my favorite elders ever. Your veary funny and veary awsome. I love your choice in ties, shoes, and belts. Your veary kind and cool, someday I would love to be a awsome misionary like you." My heart is so full. I am writing him a personal letter before I leave. He makes me so happy.

This next week will be so busy. As you can tell my week was pretty solid. I have been grinding missionary work and on the Lord's errand. I love Jesus Christ and I love you all! Message me in Facebook #FindTime4Me 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Elder Clouse On Snapchat

 It was on the chiller ends of preparation days this week. We got our stuff done and for our laundry we sat at a members home for three hours. Sister Waibel was kind enough to allow us to use her washer and dryer for our clothes. We were there from 10-1. Afterward we grabbed lunch with the sisters and I got sushi for the first time. The California roll was disappointing, but the fried sushi roll was pretty fire. No worries, I got a photo. We also went sledding with them. At night it was our FHE night. No non member friends showed up so we ended up watching the restoration through the prophet Joseph Smith movie. I am loving it!

Tuesday was a grind. We did not see much success, but we remained diligent. It was one of those days where you are just pressing forward exhaustingly waiting for miracles to occur. It wasn't a part of the Lord's timing that day. 

Wednesday was zone conference. Oh my, it was spectacular. It was the most spiritually uplifting one of my mission. The APs dropped a fire training about repentance, followed by amazing counsel given by President Heap. The Spirit chastised, uplifted, and edified me during this three hour period. I was so on fire to get to work. We drove straight to a place to knock on doors after zone conference and got to work. I love gathering together as missionaries. Such a powerful moment. 

Thursday we had some funny things occur. First of all we spent three hours moving a members storage unit into a run down trailer home. No one from the ward showed up so it was just Elder Hanson and I. We got our hands dirty and got to work. I was exhausted afterwards. After we got cleaned up, we had a funny moment door knocking. We are trying to hunt down our recent converts Deborah and Tom Davis. We have not been in contact with them for about a week. We go knock on their door three times and no answer. I then went for the handle and it was unlocked. I opened the door to peek in and I saw one of the brothers named Shawn bolt to the back of the room. I closed the door immediately and we were on our way. For all we know Tom and Deborah could be dead. The following day we go knock on their door again. This time right when I knock you hear the door go *click* and it got locked haha. They better watch out for Elder Clouse, he will peek in your home lol. 

The last thing I want to add was that we found out through an inactive member that someone was found murdered in Bay City Thursday morning. It was about three miles from our apartment. Pretty crazy how that happened. This world do be insane. 

I have to tell you about my delicious breakfast I have every morning. After I do my morning workout (yeah, you read that right), I whip up a yummy breakfast. I usually have peanut butter oatmeal with half a banana, sautéed potatoes with vegetables, and a strawberry banana smoothie. This could bite me in the butt when I gain some wait down the road, but at least I'm not my companion who is drinking milkshakes for breakfast haha!

I found out something on Sunday that I find so funny. We sat in with the youth today during the priests' quorum. They ask me, "Elder Clouse, why do you message so many people and my friends on Facebook?" My reply was because I am grinding. They then said,"People are posting on their snap stories that a missionary named Luke keeps messaging them on Facebook." All of us just started laughing. I am not even on snap chat, but yet it still comes around. #LordsErrand

I haven't shared a spiritual thought in awhile. A quote by President Eyring states," The test a loving God has set before us is not to see if we can endure difficulty. It is to see if we can endure it well. We pass the test by showing that we remembered Him and the commandments He gave us." Trials do suck, I have had many and I would not take them back. It is easy to say you would turn to God in your trials, but when they come that sometimes doesn't happen. How can you prepare spiritually for your trials?

I love you all. Next Sunday I am speaking at 8 o'clock your time. Watch out for the zoom link. Grateful I have the privilege to communicate with you all every week. Message me through messenger! I love and miss you. #FindTime4Me 9

Monday, February 7, 2022

No Place I Would Rather Be

 Preparation day was one for the books. Elders Nelson and Davis drove over to be with us all day. They showed up to out apartment around 9. I made them French toast for breakfast and then we were on out way to go sledding. It was so fun. The elders we serve around are hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard in such a long time, maybe it's because I'm not around Brooklyn (don't get cocky now). I was on the verge of tears. Thankfully, no one was injured. We then went walking around the Saginaw River for about an hour. We started breaking up the ice and we almost slipped in. Just guys being dudes. Grateful for having elders in my district. 

Monday night we had a FHE night. It was in the Martinez home. I have touched on this family a little bit, but they are just amazing. Grandpa Martinez brought out all his instruments and I am now beginning to learn how to play the accordion. No worries I got some more photos of me holding it with Brother Martinez. One fun fact about Bro Martinez is that he loves taking photos on his IPad. I grabbed his IPad and took some selfies. I then proceeded to take a selfie with him and make it his lock screen photo. I don't think he could change it if he tried. I guess I'm stuck on his lock screen forever haha!

As you all know we had a pretty slower week. Tuesday was a rise! We began teaching 5 new people. One day. We exercised faith, worked until 9, and saw miracles. You can't be sleeping on Bay City. It will never be a slow area if you put forth the effort. Call Bay City penny stocks because we are rising and falling all the time. 

Wednesday and Thursday were shoveling days. Michigan as you all know is very bipolar when it comes to the weather. After the snow all melted on Tuesday, it dumped 6 inches of snow on Wednesday. Lots of people were in need of shoveling. Elder Hanson and I shoveled for about a total of 5 hours over these two days. It was so fun. I am grateful that we had these unplanned opportunities. It was chilly, but it mixed things up so it was really enjoyable. 

Friday was District Leader exchanges. It was weird because I've never been on these since I have never had elders in my district. I went to Midland with Elder Davis. Elder Davis and I get along extremely well. We have a very close sense of humor and it was such an amazing day. We did a lot of door knocking and saw no success. At least Elder Davis made it more bearable. Door knocking and I are still not on good terms. I find it so pointless sometimes, but I know that is just Satan talking. 

Friday night we had a really cool miracle. We get a call from an unknown number coming from Texas. We answer it and it turns out to be an inactive Bay City Ward member who wants to become a worthy priesthood holder again. His name is Brother Blackhurst. He said,"Since I began with missionaries, I think it is necessary to start back up with them." Such a cool experience and how we didn't do absolutely anything to see this miracle. This was God's hand. 

Our area is beginning to pick up again. We put someone on date for baptism so that's cool. We also began teaching a handful of new people and lots of inactives. I worry about if we need to find time to fill our schedule and then the Lord just opens up the heavens as we put forth all our effort. I found so much joy in the work this week. I am grateful I am a missionary right now. No place I'd rather be. 

I received a call from Brother Idalski last night and he asked me to speak or "give a farewell talk" on February 20th. It will be at the usual time, but I will get the zoom link so you all can watch if you want. It will be at 8 am your time, 10 am my time. I am excited to speak. I love being in this ward. 

By the way, my address can now receive mail. I actually never told you all. It got fixed about three weeks ago haha. If you need to mail me something, our mailbox works now! ;)))

My emails are getting shorter, I just feel there isn't too much to inform you on. The work is a grind and is so rewarding. When I return home I will not regret anything I did because I am giving it my all. 

Not too much went on this week. It was a fun one and it flew by. Days are long, but weeks are fast. Only one month left in Bay City. My homeland :((. Please message me today! I have nothing really to do. As always #FindTime4Me. 

480 Bound