Monday, February 7, 2022

No Place I Would Rather Be

 Preparation day was one for the books. Elders Nelson and Davis drove over to be with us all day. They showed up to out apartment around 9. I made them French toast for breakfast and then we were on out way to go sledding. It was so fun. The elders we serve around are hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard in such a long time, maybe it's because I'm not around Brooklyn (don't get cocky now). I was on the verge of tears. Thankfully, no one was injured. We then went walking around the Saginaw River for about an hour. We started breaking up the ice and we almost slipped in. Just guys being dudes. Grateful for having elders in my district. 

Monday night we had a FHE night. It was in the Martinez home. I have touched on this family a little bit, but they are just amazing. Grandpa Martinez brought out all his instruments and I am now beginning to learn how to play the accordion. No worries I got some more photos of me holding it with Brother Martinez. One fun fact about Bro Martinez is that he loves taking photos on his IPad. I grabbed his IPad and took some selfies. I then proceeded to take a selfie with him and make it his lock screen photo. I don't think he could change it if he tried. I guess I'm stuck on his lock screen forever haha!

As you all know we had a pretty slower week. Tuesday was a rise! We began teaching 5 new people. One day. We exercised faith, worked until 9, and saw miracles. You can't be sleeping on Bay City. It will never be a slow area if you put forth the effort. Call Bay City penny stocks because we are rising and falling all the time. 

Wednesday and Thursday were shoveling days. Michigan as you all know is very bipolar when it comes to the weather. After the snow all melted on Tuesday, it dumped 6 inches of snow on Wednesday. Lots of people were in need of shoveling. Elder Hanson and I shoveled for about a total of 5 hours over these two days. It was so fun. I am grateful that we had these unplanned opportunities. It was chilly, but it mixed things up so it was really enjoyable. 

Friday was District Leader exchanges. It was weird because I've never been on these since I have never had elders in my district. I went to Midland with Elder Davis. Elder Davis and I get along extremely well. We have a very close sense of humor and it was such an amazing day. We did a lot of door knocking and saw no success. At least Elder Davis made it more bearable. Door knocking and I are still not on good terms. I find it so pointless sometimes, but I know that is just Satan talking. 

Friday night we had a really cool miracle. We get a call from an unknown number coming from Texas. We answer it and it turns out to be an inactive Bay City Ward member who wants to become a worthy priesthood holder again. His name is Brother Blackhurst. He said,"Since I began with missionaries, I think it is necessary to start back up with them." Such a cool experience and how we didn't do absolutely anything to see this miracle. This was God's hand. 

Our area is beginning to pick up again. We put someone on date for baptism so that's cool. We also began teaching a handful of new people and lots of inactives. I worry about if we need to find time to fill our schedule and then the Lord just opens up the heavens as we put forth all our effort. I found so much joy in the work this week. I am grateful I am a missionary right now. No place I'd rather be. 

I received a call from Brother Idalski last night and he asked me to speak or "give a farewell talk" on February 20th. It will be at the usual time, but I will get the zoom link so you all can watch if you want. It will be at 8 am your time, 10 am my time. I am excited to speak. I love being in this ward. 

By the way, my address can now receive mail. I actually never told you all. It got fixed about three weeks ago haha. If you need to mail me something, our mailbox works now! ;)))

My emails are getting shorter, I just feel there isn't too much to inform you on. The work is a grind and is so rewarding. When I return home I will not regret anything I did because I am giving it my all. 

Not too much went on this week. It was a fun one and it flew by. Days are long, but weeks are fast. Only one month left in Bay City. My homeland :((. Please message me today! I have nothing really to do. As always #FindTime4Me. 

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