Monday, May 23, 2022

Watch Out Bus!

 What is up everyone! The start of my week was just amazing. On preparation day we had a zone pday… over Zoom. It was really awkward tbh lol. Not the moves. At 10:30 Elder Nelson and I went to play golf in our cutoffs. We gotta get that tan going. Everyone was probably not about it at all seeing us pull up to the course, but it was fun. We played 9 holes again and I didn't play too well. Probably 16 over through 9. The remainder of our pday we tanned. We laid out for like 4 hours while I called the homies. It was really good. The UV was 7 while it was 75 degrees. Body going to be at its peak shape soon. 

Tuesday was my exchange with Elder Spencer in Charlotte. I spent a week with Elder Spencer about 5 weeks back at the end of last transfer. He is amazing. We saw MIRACLES. We found our new friend Toni who is the most prepared woman I have ever met on my mission. We testified boldly of the Book of Mormon, the spirit world, and living prophets. The spirit we felt was so special. She was in tears as we handed her a copy of the Book of Mormon with scriptures marked for her to read. She is going to be a future relief society President in the Charlotte branch, I am manifesting it now. How can you deny God? You can't. 

Later on in the exchange we met with our friend Courtney. She is the one with a lot of kiddos who came to Sacrament meeting last sunday. We extended a baptismal invitation for June 11th and she accepted! She is very excited for this life change. We had a member with us Bro Nelson who bore powerful testimony about Baptism. The Lord is immensely blessing the Charlotte area. I wish Elder Nelson was here on Tuesday to experience these miracles with me. 

Update on our friend Toni who we met with the following day. Why does Satan not stop working. She's not interested. She was happy we stopped by, but she feels that God told her that she can't change anymore… What is this? All good, God's timing. 

It was raining a lot throughout the week and Elder Nelson and I continued to go door knocking. Not much success, but we know out effort is not wasted. Felt the spirit and planted a lot of seeds. 

Another crazy story I forgot to mention. So on Tuesday Elder Spencer and I saw this huge car hitch that fell off a massive truck in the road. Someone ran it off and busted their gas and oil tank all over their road. As we were walking to get it out of the road, a bus starts coming towards it. We waved to stop or slow down, but the bus didn't. It hit this massive tow hitch in the road. Damaged the front of it, it then got caught under the car and exploded the back right tire. We were like 10 yards from it. We were just like oh my… who this guy thinks he is. The bus pulled over and that bus needed to go into the shop. 

I hit my 10 months this week. That is insane! It has been the fastest yet shortest time of my life. The days go by long and the weeks go by fast. I truly am grateful to be a missionary even though it is hard. Everything good in life is on the other side of hard. I am glad I have the knowledge of the restored gospel. A crazy statistic I found out. There are about 17 million members in the world and 9 billion people worldwide. Around 40% of members are active and faithful. If you take those statistics worldwide it would be .0009% are faithful members of Christ's New Testament Church in the world. So blessed!

Our friend Courtney is so amazing. We had a lesson with her on Sunday and it was one to remember. We went over the gospel of Jesus Christ and quoted a lot of scriptures from the Book of Mormon. The power that comes from that in itself is amazing. We decided to end our meeting with us all kneeling in prayer. We got her two, two year old twins to kneel/fold their arms as well as her three year old. Courtney then let out her first vocal prayer in front of us missionaries. The spirit that came into that room was so special. Courtney is so prepared. 

Saturday was such a fun packed day! We had 6 lessons that actually happened?! That is unheard of in missionary work. We had a lot of great encounters and we found 4 almost 5 new friends. It is so fun boldly testifying about the restored truths we have. God is pouring out the blessings of heaven on this area. It is insane! It's almost too much to handle, but Elder Nelson and I got it. I am loving this area so much. This area used to be called a dead area… psh who do missionaries think they are. Also, Elder Nelson faded me up again Saturday night, he's a king. 

On Sunday while we were cooking lunch, a fire broke out on our stove. Our whole apartment was smokey, but it was funny. Thought I would add to the email. 

For preparation day we are gathering as a District in Mason. That is about 25 minutes from our area. We are playing wiffle ball with one of our mission counselors. It should be fun. I will also be able to talk all day so please reach out. Love you all so much. 

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