Monday, July 11, 2022

G-Rap Here I Come

 Another very relaxed preparation day. We did go to a branch BBQ at 1 o'clock where they grilled up some hamburgers and hot dogs. At 7 we drove to Cheboygan which was an hour 15 minutes away to conduct a baptismal interview since he wanted it done in person. He is getting baptized on Saturday and Elder Fonnesbeck is performing that. So good! 

Tuesday we received training from the APs. A big thing in our mission is being in the arena with Jesus Christ. That's our motto or slogan some might say. The APs gave training on how to throw punches in the arena with Christ. It was focused on extending confident and bold commitments. We ate this training up and went into our lesson with Josh Sharp on fire. We extended him a straight up bold invitation to follow the Savior in being baptized next Saturday. He declined. OOF. Straight black eye in the arena, but it doesn't matter since we did all we could. LETS GOOOOO. 

Wednesday I decided to hit my legs in the morning. I was surprised with how much I could actually squat. I was working my way up doing sets of 8, then I was like let me throw on 275 and see how well I do it. I do it for four and then do 295 for 4. I was like, imma throw on 315, let's see how this goes. I hit it so easy as a double. Just surprised how my strength is still increasing while I'm out here, thought it would be good to mention in my email. 

I also led exchanges in the Soo on Wednesday. I was with Elder Payton Lowder. He has been out for about 7 months. He is such a loving Elder. We did a lot of preaching by the way and saw absolutely no success, it was rough, but we just have to put hope in our Savior and it all works out. We had a really cool comp exchange form and he shared his testimony of Jesus Christ, it literally felt as if it pierced my heart. It was a special day. Also, during the exchange, Elder Doman gave me another clean fade up. Love that Elder. 

Thursday was filled with activities. We helped some members move into their new home and we helped an elderly member clean up her hoard of a house. It was stinky haha. Our friends Lydia and Wesley Gilbert asked us on Sunday if we would go bowling with them on Thursday at 7. We accepted since we think it would be a good opportunity to build a good friendship. I bowled pretty solid towards the latter part of the game. We made the joke to Wesley who is 16 that if I beat him, he would have to be baptized. No worries, he clutched up for himself and threw 5 strikes to finish the game on top. Prior to receiving our transfer call while we were bowling Lydia says this,"Tell your president that you have an investigator who is really close to baptism and hope that he keeps you two in the Soo together." It was sick because we can tell Lydia is starting to fully accept the restored gospel. 

This week was just so full of activities. Friday morning we had a lesson with our amazing friend Jeremy who is a 32 year old black guy. He accepted a baptismal invitation for July 30th and right after that lesson we received our transfer calls from Elder Tueller. I am not staying in the Soo… I was really sad to hear this, mainly because I wanted one more transfer with Elder Fonnesbeck. I am heading down to Grand Rapids to be a Zone Leader with Elder Fonnesbeck's trainer Elder Kaleb Woolsey. He has been out 9 months and he is an insane missionary. I am so excited to be with him. I also get to serve in Elder Jorgensens district which is a first.

Saturday was full of activities. We had a branch kickball picnic and a ton of families showed up. We played an intense kickball match with all the kiddos. I managed to nail a kid in the head with a kickball, but no worries President Speas didn't count him out since it was about the shoulders haha. We showered up after that two hour event and we had a baptism in Cheboygan. Dale Wenzel was being baptized and Elder Fonnesbeck was the one that was asked to perform the baptism. We drove the hour and 15 minute drive and were there for that sweet moment. The Cheboygan group became a branch on Sunday and Dale was confirmed that same day. Hurrah for Israel!

We had an overall successful weak. We extended three baptismal invitations and only one accepted. We are straight getting Upper cutted in the arena right now. No worries though, we are not stressing. I am sad I am leaving the Soo. No one has ever one and doned it. I love you. Message me :)) #FindTime4Me 

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