Monday, August 15, 2022

Homeleess Break In

 This week was one for the books. Starting with Tuesday. We had interviews with President Heap and they are always just the best. He is so Christlike when it comes to talking to missionaries one on one. He just knows what to say. We did not get much information on what will happen next transfer for Elder Woolsey and I, but we feel that we will probably run it back one more transfer at least. We need to, I love him. 

Later in the evening, we didn't just have one dinner appointment, but TWO. We never get fed so this was a rare occasion that it happened on the same day. The first one was with a less active family who made us smoked meatloaf. This meatloaf was actually really good. They also actually grew up in Chandler, AZ too. Small world. The kids insisted we played one game with them before we left. We ran a quick game of What Do You Meme : Family Edition. The oldest is 8 years old and she is getting baptized this month. She is so excited, it's precious. We left their home and traveled straight to our next dinner appointment which was Enchilada Casserole. We ate it with the Richmond family and they brought over a recent convert named Brian as well as our friend Alan who is preparing for baptism. This family is amazing. They will do anything to help us missionaries out in any way shape or form. Bro Richmond has been driving someone to church every week for over a year now. Built DIF. They also have a son who recently returned home from his mission who is legendary; as well as a 17 year old who is preparing to serve. They are extremely fun to be around and they are very missionary focused. Double win. 

Wednesday was the day of the zone conference. We got Chick-fil-a catered to us for lunch and we all got chicken sandwiches so that was a big win to start. We had an hour of training by President and Sister Heap. Us zone leaders and the sister training leaders had to follow. We focused on heeding not. It turned out way better than we thought it would. To close the zone conference off we received some fire training from our APs, Elders Tueller and Elliott who you all know and love. It was focused mainly on the "why" in missionary work. Why are we doing this, why do we stay out, and why do we keep going. It was a great time to personally reflect and remember it is because of Him. Him being our Savior. I walked away extremely edified and was grateful for those 5 hours. 

We heard some news from an elder companionship in our Zone that their home was broken into. Here is the back story. They arrived home from zone conference and they noticed something different about it. Some boxes were moved around and they started to hear a couple of strange noises. President Heap instructed them to spend the night at another elders apartment and then in the morning they will go and check it out. They arrived there in the morning and brought along the Grand Rapids missionaries. They all went in joking around and filming it. Elder Reese (one of the Grand Rapid missionaries), decided to go up to the attic with a flashlight and pan it around. To their surprise they saw a homeless man tucked away hiding from them in the attic. After the police came, the homeless man stated that he had been up there for a week. These elders have been living with an extra roommate for A WEEK. It definitely shook them up, but by the following day all was well. 

Elder Woolsey and I discovered something in our apartment that was a score. This apartment used to have sisters that lived here and they left a pack of razors. Elder Woolsey and I made the genius decision to attempt to shave our legs and make them feel smooth. After about an hour of doing past nine on Thursday evening, we accomplished it. Smooth like a baby's bum. No regrets at all. It is now prickly which is tough, but there are always consequences. 

Saturday was super fun. I had the opportunity to be with Elder Luke Tueller again! It was so awesome. Elder Tueller and I were at MSU for the day. It was down pouring rain and not one soul was outside, but we made the best of it. Elder Tueller is one of the humblest leaders in our mission and gives such spirit led invitations to act. It is crazy that he goes home next week. The mission is going to lose a pillar ;((. Love that man. Elder Tueller is probably my favorite person I've met on my mission thus far. 

We saw a lot of success this week. It went by so fast. This coming week is the last week of the transfer. My feeling is that I will stay here with Elder Woolsey, but I guess we will see. We gave MLC for the second time this transfer in person so I am excited for that. Love you all so much, reach out!

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