Welcome to the busiest week of the mission thus far. Here we go:
We had our district preparation day on Monday which meant we gathered as a District to hang out. We decided on going to the beach and playing some beach games. We ran a couple games of spikeball and played a 6v6 football game in the sand. I woke up the next morning sunburned and sore.
This is something I have to mention so I have it as a memory. The longer I have been with Elder Woolsey, the more things I find out in common. For some reason the term "zirburts" cane up and he literally knew what I was talking about. He said that his parents used to always do that to him when he was a kid. I was like no way me too. It was a solid bonding moment.
Tuesday was our exchange with the APs (assistant to the President). I was with Elder Josh Sargent. If you remember close to a year ago I actually stayed with Elder Sargent for three days before we picked up our trainees. He has changed so much, it's so cool. I had such a great time with him and I set so many meaningful goals to make me a better person. I felt I was at a standstill on the mission and I am so grateful this helped me get back on my feet and run.
We traveled up to Grayling on Wednesday. Grayling is a small town up north in Michigan. It is about 2 and a half hours north of Grand Rapids. We traveled up here for our outdoor zone conference. A year ago this week I actually went to the same place when I was training for a zone conference. That outdoor zone conference was my very first one as a missionary. It went for about 6 hours and halfway through we did an hour and a half hike. Since it went over a little we didn't arrive back home until around 930pm. A fun day trip for the memories.
This week just keeps getting better! I had an exchange with Elder Brenton Chytraus. He is from Sandy, UT and has been out for close to 20 months. He was actually my trainer's MTC companion. We had such a great time together and we both had a great heart to heart moment during our companion exchange inventory. It is cool to see as I put trust in God, I can be a vessel in his hand.
We then traveled down to Lansing on Friday for MLC (Mission Leadership Council). We were there for around 4 hours. By the end of it I was pretty wiped out. It only takes us a little under an hour and a half to travel to Lansing. It is always fun to see a handful of other missionaries and close friends. As a mission we are focusing on mainly exchanges and being better at technology use. We will see how this gets executed.
Update about our friend Madria who was preparing for baptism October 8th. She is still struggling giving up smoking, coffee, and getting married. She is going through a lot and has to postpone her baptism. We know that she will come around eventually, but as of right now it is not the Lord's time for her. She has been going through emotional Rollercoasters in the past 8 months.
This past week the high was around 60 degrees, it was gloomy, and windy. Some of the days it felt like it was a winter day in Arizona. I decided to begin playing Christmas music and I do not regret it. Christmas music is superior above all. It is cold enough now that during our morning runs we wear long sleeves and sweatpants. Uh oh, it is supposed to be one of the worst winters they have gotten in Michigan in awhile.
To cap off the week we were invited to a stake youth activity at a members home in our ward boundaries. We pull up and all the youth are playing football, Elder Woolsey and I join. It reminded me of when we would play at the Varvel Christmas party, but this time we didn't play tackle. As we were leaving this event, we took home so much food. We even got more Mango salsa mom!
One of the days this week we did service for our friend Mike again. We picked up his walnuts in his front yard for about an hour. He then promised us that he would make us a steak dinner while we were there! He lived up to that promise. We ate steak dinner while he turned on the MSU game. Side note: MSU did not look good at all on the field. We were there for only 30 minutes after we concluded service. We got some memorable pictures.
During the youth event I thought I lost my missionary tag so we gathered up the youth to say a prayer. At this point it was dark outside so we had all of our flashlights out. I promised everyone that whoever finds the missionary tag will get a signed tie haha. Elder Woolsey about 10 minutes into looking for it, he says,"Elder Clouse have you checked in the car?" Lo and behold it was in the car. Elder Woolsey and I decided that we cannot trash this faith filled experience they could have. We come back from the car and secretly place it in the grass. Elder Woolsey helped one of the youth named Bridger to find it. Bridger is around 8 and he was so stoked to get a free tie so now I owe him one.
This week concluded with fast Sunday. In Michigan they usually do it the week before the conference, not the week after. I specifically fasted to possess the Christlike attribute of humility in my life. I studied a conference talk by President Ezra Taft Benson called Beware of Pride. Here is a quote I like.
"The proud do not receive counsel or correction easily. Defensiveness is used by them to justify and rationalize their frailties and failures."
During my comp exchange inventory with Elder Sargent I learned that my overbearing initiative allows for my pride to continue. This week I learned a lot about myself and my main takeaway was that I need to be confident in the spirit, not myself. I know Christ understands everyone's inadequacies and shortcomings. As I've relied on his strength, I have felt more confident to do whatever the Lord requires of me.
This was a long one and this week flew by. I love you and so does God! Reach out to me ;)). I got a brand new Facebook account so I would expect a friend request from me ://.