Monday, September 12, 2022

God Got Us

 This week began with a lot of our similar routines. Some weeks feel like that and others don't. Tuesday was a big day of finding and no lessons at all. Wednesday however was a day packed with lessons where the majority of them happened. This was shocking to us. For some reason people in this area struggle so much to keep commitments. It was a refreshing day to see lessons go through, people keeping our reading commitments, and others accepting our gospel message. 

For the past week now my left eye has been extremely sensitive to light. I have been wearing some knock off shades I should in the car every time we are outside. They work pretty well. I think this is God allowing me to realize how slick I look in shades. I am now deciding on what Ray Bans I won't when I come home. 

Thursday we spent the whole day with Luc Majeski again. He is the one who is preparing for his mission and waiting for his mission call. We went from lesson to lesson with him and he even bought us domino's pizza. That did not sit well with me, but that BBQ chicken pizza was solid. That night we had a lesson with our friend Madria. Background on her is that she has been teaching for about 10 months. The missionaries in the past extended a baptismal invitation and told her if wanted to get baptized, she needed to get married. This did not resonate well with the husband. Fast forward to now arrow. Madria is now getting married so she can enter the waters of baptism. She set the date for October 8th. She is so converted to Jesus Christ and just wants to please God. She has been a really fun person to teach. I don't think Luc understood how awesome of a lesson that really was. 

Saturday was another exchange. Elder Woolsey stayed in the Grand Rapids area with a missionary and I traveled about an hour west on Lake Michigan. I was in an area called Hart. I was in that area for the day with Elder Porter Tegan. He is a brand new missionary, three weeks out. He is from Idaho and a big farmer. He reminded me a lot about Elder Hanson who I trained a while back. We saw some success with lessons and the day went by good. The exchange was a little rough, but it was a good learning experience. Grateful for the chance to grow #W. 

The reminder of the week just came and gone. A big bonus on Sunday was that we made Enchiladas. We haven't had them for two weeks and we were deprived of them. It was a spontaneous decision to make them and it was the correct choice. 

Nothing too much happened this week and we just went through the motions. The next two weeks will be exciting. Our area is building a lot of momentum. God got us. 

I have been focusing on charity this week and I thought you would all like this:

"Charity is accepting someone’s differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn’t handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another’s weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1992, 24; or Ensign, May 1992, 18–19). Monson."

I love you all so much, keep me up to date. Talk to you all soon :))). 

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