Monday, October 17, 2022

Back 2 Back

 Ever since transfers happened Mondays haven't been the same. All the elders and sisters that played ball on Mondays got transferred out. We ran some pickleball, a little basketball, and got some food. Solid. 

On Tuesday was when Elder Watts (and Elder Woolsey) hit their one year as a missionary. Elder Watts' mom said we could go out somewhere and she would pay. We decided to go to an Outback steakhouse which I enjoyed a lot. It wasn't the best for Elder Watts since it made his blood sugar go sicko mode. Rest in peace to diabetes type one. 

The weather the past week in Michigan has been all over the place. It begins the day sunny, then to cloudy, then to raining, switching over to hailing, and then the sun is back out. It is a pretty cool experience to say the least. I do love Michigan. 

On Friday and Saturday we had back to back exchanges. My first one was with Elder Carter Long. I went on with him last transfer. He's from AZ and he is so good. He is extremely honest and loving. He reflects a lot of thr Saviors' attributes. I stayed in Grand Rapids for that exchange. The following day I was with Elder Zack Reese again, but this time I went to his area. We saw a lot of success and taught boldly. This situation allows me to grow in different ways and am grateful that Christ gives us the opportunity to experience opposition. Opposition is an opportunity to prove our commitment to God. Love those two elders so much. 

Another week down and not too much to report on. It was a solid week laboring in the Lord's vineyard, but I just don't know what to write home about. It's getting even colder here and I don't even know how I survived last year. Gulp. 

This is actually crazy. Someone in our ward shared a statistic about us receiving a temple recently. The four other instate temples that were announced had at least 200,000 members in the state it was announced in. The number of members in Michigan is 45,000. They have been praying for this temple for over a year and God answers prayers. Literally shocking!!

On Sunday we taught the youth during the second hour since both of the teachers were out of town. We figured we were doing that at 830am and our church meetings began at 10am. We decided to throw together a jeopardy and then see how it went. It was such a good lesson that had everyone involved. It was so good. I'm glad we got the opportunity to help the youth learn strange fun facts about missionary work and build good relationships with them. The ages ranged from 13-17 years old. 

I miss you all so much. Reach out to me, I would love to chat. Stay in touch!

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