Monday, December 26, 2022

Boy Band?!

 There is not any update of what happened on preparation day. I could honestly summarize it in one sentence. Grocery, college, haircuts, and calling. 

A handful of things occurred on Tuesday. First off, our fridge was broken. We didn't call them until that morning around 8am. An hour later they literally came back with a brand new fridge. I was shook. This was such a win since the fridge that this apartment had was not up to mom clean (or luke clean). I also attempted to repair a sink that's clogged. I can now confidently say that I will NOT become a plumber. The smell, the feel, the texture. Yeah I have explained enough. 

On the missionary end of things we are in a rough boat. We plan lessons on lessons while getting members present and more than 60% of them cancel. The Lord however does see our effort and is blessing us in many other ways that we do not even recognize. 

This week a blizzard hit Michigan. Everyone and I mean everyone was freaking out about this blizzard. The stores were so packed and it seemed like it was covid all over again. Elder Shaw and I were like why is everyone freaking out? It's a snow storm. It hit here Thursday night and it came dumping snow. What made it so bad was the wind chills. Currently as I am writing this on Friday, it is 4 degrees out, but feels like -20 degrees. This is the coldest temperature I've experienced in my life. I went on the balcony with boiling water and threw it in the air. I sent a video through Google photos. It was sweet. 

This week we have stayed inside as much as we can and we occasionally had lessons. Friday evening we got a call from President Heap. We were in a phone call with a recent convert named Phoenix and were like Phoenix can you hold for just a second. President Heap informs me that I will be training a new missionary in Battle Creek. I knew it was coming when I saw that President Heap was calling. He usually calls all the trainers first and then the Assistants pick up the rest. I am stoked to train and it's what the Lord wants. It seems this will be a great push to allow me to be more obedient and see more miracles. Training is exhausting, but thr Lord wants to continue to push Elder Clouse. Elder Shaw is leaving and white washing a new area. This means he will be going to a new area with a companion who hasn't served in that area either. So they are both fresh.

Another side note for my district. I will remain as the district leader. There will be no more sisters in Battle Creek and they are sending in two Spanish elders. There will still be four missionaries and they are all elders. I am excited. All three companionships in my district are training a new missionary. It is a boy band district. No sisters. This will be crazy. That means that nothing will change in our district for two straight transfers. Welcome to the grind for the next three months. 

Merry Christmas everyone! On Saturday and Sunday we did not have too much going on at all. We were encouraged not to proselyte, but we didn't have 4 lessons that happened on Saturday which was so helpful. From 6-9 on Saturday evening we moved up our basketball night with non members so we had something to do. It is always so hard being away from home this time of year. We don't have anything planned for Christmas dinner or anything so we will just be chilling in the apartment. Love you all so much. 

Luke 2:10-11

"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

I testify that Jesus is the answer. He is risen! I have never drawn closer to my Savior than I have on the mission. I know he loves me and I have a personal relationship with him. Come unto Him. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Elder Woolsey (that's the title)

 The preparation day was overall really fun. It was the last one with the sisters for at least the next two. We tried to make it a good one. We got three members to come as well and we ran some volleyball and some basketball basically all day. I think I could compete against weston in volleyball pretty well now. To end off the night we had a Christmas dinner out at the Abbott's place. Bro Abbott is our ward missionary leader who and they are leaving to Colorado until the spring next week so they thought it would be good to have us over for a Christmas grub. 

Tuesday was exchange day. Before we entered into the exchnage, Elder Shaw and i went to the highschool weight room at 6am and i had shoulders. It is Tuesday night as I am writing this and I am already sore. W. I was with Elder Chaim Monson. He is from Gilbert Arizona and he went to highland high-school. He has been on his mission around 4 months and has just so many talents already. He truly came out on the mission already converted to our Savior. Fun fact, we both played on the Arizona Thunder Soccer Club team without even knowing each other. We both have pictures to prove it. I took him on an exchange in Battle Creek. We met with some members and found one new friend. Overall a successful day. 

Wednesday was a tough day. Stuff has been going down in the companionship, but we are handling it. God knew this would happen and he sent Elder Woolsey to the rescue. Thursday was the day I got to go on an exchange with Elder Woolsey on WMU. 

The day overall was so needed. I realized how much I've missed being with him. He has so many strengths. We reminisced on all our past memories. We even made the memorable go to breakfast every morning for dinner. I took a photo so you could remember. Elder Woolsey was kind enough to offer his Maroon vest that no longer fits him. I am privileged to now wear it. I love Elder Woolsey so much if you couldn't already tell. We also had to do a rematch of arm wrestling. He took the win on the right arm and I took the win on the left. I wish I could put into words how much we were laughing together throughout the day. So grateful for our friendship. 

This was a funny moment with Elder Woolsey. One thing about him is that he has amazing memory. He was talking to a member in the ysa branch he covers at WMU. The member starts explaining to him that his cornea is shaped like a cone. He was like wait is it keratoconus? Of course the member said yes. Elder Woolsey was quick to tell me about it and on Thursday, that member joined one of our lessons that we had. He recently had the cornea cross linking procedure. I've never related to someone in that aspect before, I thought it was really cool. 

The miracles that are coming through Facebook. It is seriously miraculous. The Lord is pouring out blessings in this area truly. People just seem so willing to meet up with us and the members here are flocking to us for lessons. On Saturday we had 5 lessons scheduled with members present at them. Only two of them happened, but the Lord loves effort. We ended that Saturday doing our weekly pick up church ball from 7:30pm-9pm. We had around 7 non-members pull up this time which is an increase. I now have a blister on my big toe which is unfortunate. 

Nothing else really went down on Sunday. A lot of finding since lessons keep canceling on us like left and right. Today for preparation day we have nothing planned. I'm not sure what we will do, but we will do something. Reach out, let's chat! Love you all. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Trampoline Contacting

 The beginning of Monday was extremely tough, but it slowly got better and better. I got to watch mom compete on Sunday night for nationals and then dad during my preparation day. It was so fun to watch. I forget how nerve racking it is being in the audience. We traveled up to the Snowbergers place after playing volleyball as a District. Brother Snowberger ran everyone in pool, but I did learn some unique tricks. 

Tuesday was a day you had to write about. We had 6 lessons planned out that day and they all happened. We did like no finding that day since we were teaching and then traveling and then teaching again. We didn't stop moving until we got back to the apartment around 8:50pm. It was a rewarding day that needed to happen. I am thankful that it was a Tuesday since the beginning of the week is always so difficult and I have to prepare myself mentally. 

This week we seemed to focus a lot on memberwork. Everytime I sit down to write some of my weekly email, it feels as though I do not have much to write about, but so much is happening. We did a fun competition on Wednesday evening as a District. I setup a point system for areabook calling. Elder Shaw and I took the W and it pushed the district so much. A lot of success was seen from it. The Lord loves effort. 

I reached out to someone on Thursday. On his profile I saw him at a gym. I was curious so I asked him about it. He then offered Elder Shaw and I to come workout at the high school gym every morning from 6-730am. It was literally a golden opportunity. That's what we are doing. It also has a full in door court to ball up on so Elder Shaw will be entertained while I do strength training. We are so excited. We will be planning on going on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 

Friday morning was zone conference. This was the earliest zone conference I had in the entire mission thus far. It began at 9am and concluded at 12pm. We arrived a little before 8 am since we decided to join the missionary choir. As you know, I popped off. I probably sang on the level of t-sizzle, so really good. It was also fun since I was around Elder Woolsey for most of it. Love that Elder so much. We arrived back in our area around 1pm and got back to work. 

Funny tender mercy. We were on the doorstep at Niko's place. We haven't been in contact with Niko for probably over a month. We knock once and wait, no answer. We do it again, no answer after waiting for a little bit. I look in their front yard and lo and behold there is a trampoline that has been covered in snow. My first thought was to go jump on it and do a backflip. I didn't think twice, that's what I did. As I was on the trampoline, someone opened the door and we got back in contact with Niko. Funny tender mercy. If I didn't jump on that tramp, we wouldn't have been in contact with Niko. 

Also, If you could, please keep the Brooks family in your prayers. They are a strong faithful family in the Battle Creek ward and their 21 year old son Colby collapsed and died. No one knows why yet, they are waiting on the biopsy. Such sad news to hear from a young family. 

You all will find this funny. At the zone conference while I was greeting some of the elders, a couple of them said,"Clouse, why do you just smell like fall? You smell so good. It's only you though, do you use cologne?" I was like no. Jumping to the next day at a baptism we were at. A member announces to the crowd,"Who smells like an autumn french vanilla or walnut?" I walked past to throw something away and as I came back she was like, "It's YOU, do you use cologne?" I was like no haha. Moral of the story is apparently I smell really good. 

It is the last week where we will be ward sharing with the sisters until transfers. Sister Richins is completing her mission early and Sister Walker is getting sent off to WMU. For pday we plan on just chilling and playing sports. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Reach out, I'm willing to chat. You are all the best!!

Monday, December 5, 2022

Essays To Veganism?

 I could consider this one of my biggest accomplishments. On Monday, Taylor informed me that I made it into UVU. WOOHOO!! I now get to protect the den with jare bare. Throughout the week I have been pre writing essays to try and get scholarships. God will straight consecrate my performances. 

Tuesday was an exchange day. I took Elder Ethan Stallings on an exchange in Battle Creek. It's been over a month since I've led one so I thought I would've been a little rusty. It worked out well. Elder Stallings is from Utah and has been out three months longer than me. We had a great comp exchange inventory and I felt confident that I met him where he was at and uplifted him. We didn't see too much success on the work side of things since lessons kept falling through. On the bright side we found a new place to go proselytizing which is at Kellogg's Community College. College students are very genuine and receptive to our message, on top of that they are polite!

President and Sister Heap came to my district council on Wednesday. It was so sweet. We spoke about the Christlike attribute of compassion followed by how we can help others make and keep commitments. Following the council, we had interviews with the President. I had about a 45 minute personal interview with him just chatting about the mission and life. President Heap is a king. 

We have had the opportunity the past few weeks to begin eating with members and man is it nice. Off topic note, I have been writing essays all week and I have a sudden urge to make this email longer than it has to be due to having to write 1000 word essays. Back on topic, eating with members is a blessing. We went over on Friday to the Sides family. They are actually vegan and try to live a full whole foods lifestyle and nothing processed. They fed us sloppy Joe's made out of lentils. I didn't even know that existed until that day. Bro Sides was explaining his story and why he's vegan, he shared some ideas that got me thinking. 

The work in this area has slowly gotten better. Our days are packed full with lessons and some days all of them cancel. It is extremely unfortunate. We are fortunate enough to have the chance to work with so many members. It doesn't feel like the most effective thing to be doing since I like hands on and seeing the results with my efforts. Incredibly so, the member pond has been proven to be most effective so I have to humble myself and utilize that pond. 

Fun side note that I'm adding after I wrote everything already. I received my Christmas package in the mail on Friday. Our apartment is now decked out and the three foot blow up Santa is the highlight. I love Christmas. Thanks mom and dad :)). 

I love Max Brown man. He's so amazing. I think I mentioned him briefly in my last email, but he's just the best. Last sunday he was ordained to the office of a priest after receiving the aaronic priesthood. He also said he's considering serving a mission. He just has come from a completely different background and it's really interesting to learn about. Mennonite/Amish history and tradition is CRAZY! 

On Saturday evening we also had our Christmas party which was relieving. That day was one of those days as a missionary that just drugged me. No one seemed to be home and our lessons kept on canceling. It was refreshing to be around all the ward members. 

For preparation day we are going over to the Snowbergers place from 1-5. They are both professional pool players and we are running a pool tournament. I am about to get crushed, but it'll be a fun activity we are doing as a District. 

There's my week. It went by fairly quickly I would say and had some good fun as one does. I do miss and love all of you so much. Here's a quote from our Savior,"that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions." Never forget that. Have an amazing week. 

480 Bound