The beginning of Monday was extremely tough, but it slowly got better and better. I got to watch mom compete on Sunday night for nationals and then dad during my preparation day. It was so fun to watch. I forget how nerve racking it is being in the audience. We traveled up to the Snowbergers place after playing volleyball as a District. Brother Snowberger ran everyone in pool, but I did learn some unique tricks.
Tuesday was a day you had to write about. We had 6 lessons planned out that day and they all happened. We did like no finding that day since we were teaching and then traveling and then teaching again. We didn't stop moving until we got back to the apartment around 8:50pm. It was a rewarding day that needed to happen. I am thankful that it was a Tuesday since the beginning of the week is always so difficult and I have to prepare myself mentally.
This week we seemed to focus a lot on memberwork. Everytime I sit down to write some of my weekly email, it feels as though I do not have much to write about, but so much is happening. We did a fun competition on Wednesday evening as a District. I setup a point system for areabook calling. Elder Shaw and I took the W and it pushed the district so much. A lot of success was seen from it. The Lord loves effort.
I reached out to someone on Thursday. On his profile I saw him at a gym. I was curious so I asked him about it. He then offered Elder Shaw and I to come workout at the high school gym every morning from 6-730am. It was literally a golden opportunity. That's what we are doing. It also has a full in door court to ball up on so Elder Shaw will be entertained while I do strength training. We are so excited. We will be planning on going on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Friday morning was zone conference. This was the earliest zone conference I had in the entire mission thus far. It began at 9am and concluded at 12pm. We arrived a little before 8 am since we decided to join the missionary choir. As you know, I popped off. I probably sang on the level of t-sizzle, so really good. It was also fun since I was around Elder Woolsey for most of it. Love that Elder so much. We arrived back in our area around 1pm and got back to work.
Funny tender mercy. We were on the doorstep at Niko's place. We haven't been in contact with Niko for probably over a month. We knock once and wait, no answer. We do it again, no answer after waiting for a little bit. I look in their front yard and lo and behold there is a trampoline that has been covered in snow. My first thought was to go jump on it and do a backflip. I didn't think twice, that's what I did. As I was on the trampoline, someone opened the door and we got back in contact with Niko. Funny tender mercy. If I didn't jump on that tramp, we wouldn't have been in contact with Niko.
Also, If you could, please keep the Brooks family in your prayers. They are a strong faithful family in the Battle Creek ward and their 21 year old son Colby collapsed and died. No one knows why yet, they are waiting on the biopsy. Such sad news to hear from a young family.
You all will find this funny. At the zone conference while I was greeting some of the elders, a couple of them said,"Clouse, why do you just smell like fall? You smell so good. It's only you though, do you use cologne?" I was like no. Jumping to the next day at a baptism we were at. A member announces to the crowd,"Who smells like an autumn french vanilla or walnut?" I walked past to throw something away and as I came back she was like, "It's YOU, do you use cologne?" I was like no haha. Moral of the story is apparently I smell really good.
It is the last week where we will be ward sharing with the sisters until transfers. Sister Richins is completing her mission early and Sister Walker is getting sent off to WMU. For pday we plan on just chilling and playing sports. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Reach out, I'm willing to chat. You are all the best!!
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