Monday, January 23, 2023

Dreaming To Teaching

 It was a memorable preparation day. After completing the remainder of our chores we went to the church. We gathered a handful of youth to play "gaga ball." Apparently this game is known around the states and I've never heard of it. There were about 15 of us there running constant rounds of this game. By the end of the two and a half hours we played, we were exhausted. Elder Madsen decided to take a nap while I prepared meals for the week. 

We got right into the week with an exchange with Elder Tillotson. He actually came out the same transfer as the first missionary I trained. He is 14 months out. He is also training a new missionary. I went into his area so we could leave our trainees in one area with 6 lessons planned and we could see how they do. Spoiler alert: they did really well. Elder Tillotson is a Spanish Elder and they have to do a lot of language study planned in their day. When we were doing language study, it was absolutely killing me since I felt that I needed to be doing missionary work. It was overall a good day and we got to grab dinner with us four missionaries before the day was over. We set up a handful of teaching appointments for them and found someone new to teach. 

Wednesday was a rough day. It was one of those days that just seemed to not go our way and we were exhausted. I also was just so impatient and not in the best mood. No worries, handled it well, but maybe you should ask Elder Madsen. 

Memorable story ALERT. I get up on Friday morning and Elder Madsen turned to me and said,"dude you literally were teaching a lesson while you were asleep last night AND you were talking at full volume." He went on to explain that I slept, I taught someone a lesson and it was really loud when I did it. I thought this was so funny since apparently I'm so lost in the sauce, I dream about teaching people. 

There isn't much else for Elder Clouse. I am alive. I am thriving. Elder Madsen and I get along really well and I still do not know how since we have no common interests. I love the kid. We are teaching a ton of people and we are furthering the work of the Lord like no other. God has entrusted us with a lot, lowkey stressful, but I love it. 

Here is some spiritual upliftment coming from Elder Olsen:

 "No matter how difficult or confusing the challenges may be, you can always remember that the answer is simple: it is always Jesus." 

Spending time with Jesus has allowed me to face my trials with courage and has given me the opportunity to become what God wants me to become. I testify of Christ's reality and how Jesus is in fact the answer. 

Elder Clouse

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