Monday, April 24, 2023

Satan is So Sus

 The weather in Michigan decided to take a turn for the worst. It snowed/hailed all day Monday which was unfortunate. We did not end up doing much and the day felt extremely long. I decided to do two workouts, meal prep, practice the piano, and call some of you. 

This week we had exchanges with the Allegan elders. I was with Elder Louk Stevens (yes that is how he spells Luke). Elder Stevens is our district leader and I have served around him a decent amount in Lansing, Battle Creek, and in the MLC. He is so good. This exchange was so needed. It was just a day that reminded me what it was like to be with Elder Woolsey. Just a day full of work, but just talked the whole day about a various number of things while having fun. I took a lot out of the exchange I had, Elder Stevens is a great example of being a diligent missionary. 

During one afternoon I reached out to someone named Lori Crandall on Facebook. I asked her if she would be open to doing a video call with us. She then immediately shot me a call to video chat. We had a spontaneous lesson and we learned a great amount about her. Turns out she has been taught all the lessons from the previous sisters in the area. She now has the desire to enter into the covenant path through the waters of baptism. Say whaaa!!! It was a miracle. We have been meeting with her daily and she seems to be progressing well. The Lord is at the helm of this work. 

I am writing this paragraph two days after completing the previous one above. We have taught Lori everyday and completed the first three lessons. We have had members at every single one of those lessons and man it is so good. During our Friday evening lesson, we came to the conclusion to "yeet" her cigar and vape into the woods. She has now fully committed to follow the word of wisdom and remain faithful to it for the remainder of her life. There is a video for some proof. It is hilarious. It has been amazing to teach her. It almost seems like too good to be true. 

South Haven is on fire! Oh my goodness. I cannot believe that 4 weeks ago we were doing hours upon hours of finding and then now we have 8-10 lessons a day. Consistent effort coupled with faith in the Savior allows miracles to happen. I would compare myself to Alma when he says:

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

We all know that the Elder Clouse isn't that humble. Still that prideful, stubborn, stuck in his way kid you know and love. Besides the point, the Lord is pouring out His love abundantly on the work here in South Haven. We are going to experience a baptism!!

Highlight of the week: On exchanges I met this little kid who is a recent convert in the area I was in for the day. I learned that he loved fortnite. Being the good missionary I am, I challenged him to a fortnite dance off. He technically won, but I feel he lowkey cheated. Some of the Battle will be uploaded to Google photos. These past two weeks I have been so bad at taking photos, I do apologize. 

I conclude writing this email on Sunday night. We had eight people confirm they are coming to church on Saturday and zero of them came. Why does Satan have to be so sus. 

Today is district pday so that'll be fun. This will be the first time I'll see missionaries on a pday in a while. 7 weeks left… who's counting. 

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