Monday, April 3, 2023

We Need Not Fear

 It was a good start to the week. We did not really do anything exciting on preparation day. We got our chores done, I meal prepped, did two workouts, dropped off a package, and called people. Extremely laid back. We made the decision that night that we will try a new food location in South Haven every preparation day to spice things up. Monday night finding was so effective. We were out at 6pm and before 7pm hit we found 5 new people to teach. Everyone was extremely receptive and we had no bad interactions with people. It just started us off on top of the world for the week. 

Every Tuesday and Thursday we serve at a location called Habitat for Humanity. It is a furniture restore place. I served there in Battle Creek every Wednesday. The one I served at in Battle Creek looks like a dump compared to this new one I'm at. They even gave us Habitat Restore volunteer crew necks since we just started. Our first day we spent two hours painting a wall. Who knew that Elder Howard and I were so nice at painting. 

I went on exchanges with Elder Joshua Taylor. He came out into the mission field one week prior. He is fresh. It was honestly kind of refreshing to be with him for the day. He just had that new missionary fire. He recognized all the tender mercies and miracles and literally rejoiced. I have become so desensitized by it since it has been happening for the past 20 months. We did about close to 2 hours of pounding some doors. It was the most effective thing we could be doing in that area at that time. The final door we knocked during our last hour of the day, we found our boy Jared Stanbery. That man has some divine potential. It was an exhausting day due to going to bed late on Tuesday for Weston's mission call opening and had to wake up early to rise and shine before the district council (rise and shine refers to me working out). 

I have not mentioned the Lakes yet. They are amazing. They are currently a senior couple that covers two units within our district. They are from a town in Utah and they are goated with the sauce. We had to have a meeting with them on Friday discussing and putting together our notes on the branch list. Afterward they took us out to a Mexican restaurant. It reminded me of back home when we used to always go out as a family or when one of us kids would go out with just mom and dad. It was so fun and memorable. Who knew that grilled cactus was a thing? Not me. 

General Conference has been a feast. It is crazy to think that this has been my fourth one of the mission. We did not watch with any members so we just watched it in the Family History Center at the church on Saturday and some on Sunday. On Sunday morning, we hosted a breakfast at our church building prior to the Sunday morning session. 

So much good came from General Conference. I love it. Favorite talk was probably about Christlike poise in the Saturday evening session. I was a little sad to hear that Elder Holland was not speaking, but we did get to hear from our living prophet. What inspiring counsel. I truly believe that President Nelson is called of God. If we heed a prophet's voice, we need not fear! Never forget that. 

Elder Clouse

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