A great start to a great week. I decided on Friday that I needed a new phone. My phone is jank. I talked with mother on preparation day and figured everything out. I began going to Walmart, and it turns out they don't sell unlocked phones. We go to AT&T and it turns out they don't either. We then had to drive to Saginaw to a Best Buy which sells unlocked phones. They didn't have any in stock so we just had to pre-order it. I have to suffer another 5 days with this bummy one. At 1 o'clock we met up with the district to run a nerf gun war. I lost every time. I was pretty buns. At 6 we had a FHE night with the ward at Brother Rase's home. We invite our friends to meet ward members and hear a spiritual thought. Tyler and our friend Noah came. It was sweet, until one ward member started talking about polygamy and you should've seen my face. Ah Bay City.
Tuesday was jam packed. Throughout the week my stomach has been acting up. It was rough, but on Tuesday we had about 8 lessons planned. 6 happened which was a plus. One of the friends we are teaching is Duff. He loves history and he's reading the Saints book. He grilled us with about 20 questions he had. He's frustrated to teach because he can't have faith, we will probably hand him to The Lord for a bit. Had a handful of lessons, but I will just talk about our friend Tyler. He loves love and loves the things we teach him. The minor set back is he is gay, but we are getting this man dunked!!! I love the lessons we have with him. Ended the night calling areabook and members to see if we could eat at their homes with Tyler.
Wednesday was district council! This day was jammed packed. After the district council we had to make a hype video for our zone. I will send that in later. Since we were in Midland, we had to grab Costco pizza! Yummy. After we got home we had a lot of things planned. Had about 6 lessons to go to. The one lesson that was hard was with Tyler. Tyler we met via Facebook and he was loving the things we are teaching. I sent him our beliefs on the same-sex attraction and he didn't take it so well. He still will meet with us, but it's just an extremely hard concept to understand. I truly don't fully understand. Tyler put it as,"it's basically a life sentence in prison for something I didn't do." I don't know what to tell him, we talked a lot about it, but it comes down to him praying about it. I'm frustrated with myself because I should've known how to help him.
Thursday was interviews with President Heap. We drove to Saginaw to have those. It was really good, chatted with him for about ½ an hour. No worries everyone, I am staying another transfer in Bay City. He did tell me it will be my last. Rip. The rest of the day was just normal lessons.
Friday was the day I got my new phone! Recently my phone hasn't been charging above 25%. I drove to Best Buy on Monday and bought a new one. Turns out we had to wait 5 days for it to arrive. We drove to Saginaw where the Best Buy is and when we get there they say they haven't received it. 5 minutes after we left, they got my phone. For some reason they didn't call or text me. We drove all the way back to Bay City and ate lunch. Right after we finished eating lunch I got a text from mother saying my phone is ready to pick up. Rest in peace to our miles that we are allotted. Drove back to Saginaw, picked up my phone and bought a new case. It took me about 2 hours to set up, but we got it all up and rolling. I'm glad I have an effective phone again.
Friday night we had the privilege to go over to Bishops home. They invited about 4 non members to come eat and they all committed. Right when we got there, the four they had planned were all canceled. Since we were already there, we ate with them. Bishop smoked some meatloaf and it was probably the best meatloaf I have had in my life. It was pristine. Following that we had some ice cream which just touched off the meal. We got on the topic how I have choked on a lot of food so that's why I eat slowly. I then explained how I choked on a lemon drop in the shower and they thought it was hilarious. They said they think they will remember me forever because I choked on a lemon drop in the shower.
Saturday had its pros and cons. We had to film moscars which was a rip. Moscars is a thing we do every transfer where every district in the mission makes a video and submits it to see who wins. It supposedly just makes content for the mission page. You don't want to hear Elder Clouses opinion on it because I think it's a waste of time. It took about 3 hours on Saturday and we didn't even finish it. I mean it's a fun time to bond as a district, but that's three hours taken away from finding people to teach. Unfortunately we have been asked to do it so it needs to be done. We filmed on the frozen Saginaw River in Bay City. It's crazy to think how it's already frozen over. The river is frozen 6 inches thick. It was sketchy at first, but then you got used to it. Fun time to bond as we filmed moscars, but we didn't finish so now we have to do it on our preparation day. When we were outside filming it was like 12⁰ so I was dying. Face was red. The plus is that I got some fun photos.
Sunday was packed full of responsibilities. Church was a blast at usual. Sundays as a missionary just hit so different. Sunday afternoon got an invite to do a Bible Study with Bro Rase (our ward missionary leader), his gf Heather, and 10 other "saved" Christians. It's good to see people are going going out reading the word of God, but they are terrestrial beings. There time will come. We did talk to one girl there named Angela who wants to meet with missionaries so that's a big W. The Lord lives effort!
As we were driving home Sunday night we received a phone call from the Bay City 3 sisters informing us that Sister Mamata is being emergency transferred to Mount Pleasant to be an STL. The Lord couldn't hold her back, she will be missed.
Quote of the week
"Watch out for what? The Holy Ghost."
This quote was again said by our friend Tyler. He keeps getting flack and trashed on for meeting with us. Shoutout to Tyler for having faith to continue to see the truths he is missing out on. As we were walking out of a lesson with him he told us about how his friends keep telling him,"watch out for them Mormons, they will get you." Tyler then replied with,"watch out for what? The Holy Ghost." It was really funny, Elder Hanson and I were laughing about it for a bit. Good Ole Tyler.
Quick miracle that happened this week was while we were calling our friend Alex who is on date. We were talking about how excited he was for his baptism. I asked him if he would like to get baptized next week and he said that would be ideal! We planned it up and he is getting dunked on January 23rd which was initially February 13th. Less time that Satan can work #FinessedSatan.
Love you all! I love being a missionary. Weeks are flying! I hit 6 months this week. That is absurd. #FindTime4Me
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