Monday, January 10, 2022

Useless Meat Snacks

 The week of being stuck in the apartment. For preparation day we could not do anything. We sat inside and just chatted with people. When no one was replying we resulted in doing more missionary work on Facebook haha. Grind never stops. At 430 on Monday, Brother Rase let us borrow his Bay Cityoploy game. We played for about an hour, but then we had three lessons planned. I called you all that night and then for the next 30 minutes before bed I called Elder Jorgensen and Lisle. A great end to our quarantine preparation day.

Tuesday was actually pretty busy. We had 8 lessons planned through video call. It turned out that 6 of them happened which was such a plus. The Lord provided and consecrated our Facebook efforts while we were stuck inside. We took hour breaks in between to play monopoly. On Monday, Elder Elliott asked the President if we could play games while stuck in quarantine and he approved! Elder Elliott also has covid up in Traverse City so he is stuck in quarantine too! I ended up playing two full games of monopoly and I won both.

Wednesday we had to do our district council virtual. It turned out amazing. The Lord truly allowed the spirit to be there and it was a great discussion. We spoke on how we can be possessed by great faith in Jesus Christ. Powerful testimonies and tears were shed. Such an inspiring district council. Jesus Christ is still pouring out the blessings on Bay City even though we are isolated. 

Wednesday was more of a dead day. I was blocked from adding people and messaging people. No one else was replying either so I kind of just started at the ceiling. At 2 o'clock we ended up playing monopoly. I beat Elder Hanson in 45 minutes. A full monopoly game in 45 minutes. On top of that we played another AND I beat him again in 45 minutes. We finished two complete monopoly games in an hour and a half. I feel bad because as of right now I have beaten him 4-0 in Bay Cityopoly.

We received a call at 915 from Sisters Mamata and Painter while we were writing in our journal. Turns out they locked themselves out of their apartment while they were doing laundry today. We went over there and scaled their balcony. We thought the balcony door was locked as it usually was, but today it was not! I got up there and opened the door to their apartment and let them in. If you take what I just did out of context, I would be considered so disobedient. I was alone, in a sisters apartment, past 930 hahaha. Good thing The Lord knows the truth. 

This week has actually been phenomenal. The Lord has consecrated our efforts through Facebook. We found 6 new friends and referred three of them to missionaries where they live. A handful of them will be baptized. I want to touch on one of the new friends we met this week. His name is Brad Switala. He is about 50 years old and lives in Bay City with his son. He is so down to earth and has been prepared by Jesus Christ to hear His message. We found him through Facebook. He came to church on Sunday and he said he had never been on this "spiritual high" before in my life. He wants it more. We sat down with him in his home after church. We asked if he would like to be baptized into the true church of Christ. He said,"How about I come to church next Sunday and then the following I'll be baptized." SWEET! Also, side note about Brad. He is so funny, he is disabled and his room is so boujee. He has LED lights all around and he has a humidifier going all the time. We walked into his room and it just felt so peaceful like I could nap. He's a gangster. 

I have to talk about another friend we met this week. His name is Tyler. Tyler is a gay guy we met on Facebook who wanted to learn about what the hype is to religion. We started teaching him the basic beliefs in our church. We handed him a copy of the Book of Mormon and told him to read Alma 32. He read this chapter and it touched his heart. He had been struggling with faith, but Alma 32:21 gave him his answer. He said,"it was my revelation." He declined at first to come to our church since he was busy, but after reading Alma 32 he knew he had to come. He prioritized time and showed up. I have such a strong testimony that this is not my work. Jesus Christ loves Bay City 2. 

My phone this week has been acting up lol. I don't think the 90 dollar phone we purchased can make it two years. I am going to the store today to buy a new phone. The battery on my phone is already fried. I wake up in the morning and the charger only chargers it to 24%. I can't do video calls anymore because it is so slow. Good thing I have the money to get a new one!

Elder Hanson and I continue to build unity as the transfer goes on. He is always right by my side, willing to press forward in this work. We had a great companionship inventory after weekly planning. The unity and love I have for Elder Hanson is amazing. So grateful I have been placed with him.

Quote of the week

"I mean aren't we all useless meat sacks waiting to die."

This was a quote said by our friend Tyler. We later clarified and taught him the Plan Of Salvation so he knows we aren't useless meat sacks waiting to die ahaha. 

Today I am obtaining a new phone so it might be hard for me to reply until it's completely done being set up. Please bear with me. I love you all and shoot me a text if I don't text first. #FindTime4Me 

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