Monday was seriously so so fun. We met up in Lansing to ball out with a lot of missionaries. The APs showed up too so you already know I ran Elder Tueller in some ball. We were there from 9am to 5pm. My body ached the next morning, but it was one of the best pdays ever.
TRANSFER day. I picked up Elder Nelson on Tuesday and man he is amazing. He is a lot like me, short, a king, athletic, and a baller! Him and I get along so well. He unpacked his stuff and we hit the store in Charlotte. Elder Nelson transferred with an instapot so we decided to cook a meatloaf in the instapot. It was delicious. It definitely hit the spot. When 5 o'clock hit we started grinding. We did some stop bys, but most importantly we did some door knocking. We had a ton of miracles happen. We found four new friends to teach and it was just absurd. We knocked into a family who wants to learn more and they have two children. They are so golden. Elder Nelson and I were caught off guard when they invited us in. After we boldly testified and they felt the spirit they knew they had to take the invitation we extended to heart. God has richly blessed Elder Nelson on day 1 together.
This week has been so so good already. I am currently typing this up on Thursday night. Three days in the transfer with Elder Nelson and we have found 10 new friends to teach! God has blessed us with the diligence and boldness to proclaim the gospel. I love love love Elder Nelson. Everything in our lives seems to be the same. It's so crazy how much we click, how much we are united, and how much we love to work. This will be one of my best transfers of my mission. Elder Nelson is from Lindon, Utah. He is the oldest kid in his family, loves to go boating at Lake Powell, play soccer, and skateboard. He is also the same age as me, just one month apart, but he is only 6 months out on the mission. We are both learning so much from each other.
Saturday was the day we got to be in the presence of Elder Soares! It was insane that our whole mission had the privilege to gather together. The night before we had 8 elders in our apartment. It was a love hate relationship because it's fun being with elders, but man are they dirty. Elder Jorgensen was one of the elders that stayed overnight. It was so good getting to catch up and chat. We helped each other be better missionaries. I love him. ALSO, literally insane. Elder Ferguson who flew out to the mission with me was taking out his contacts in my bathroom. I saw the solution he was putting in his contacts and I'm like yo is that mine? He's like no that's mine. I'm like NO WAY. Elder Ferguson looked at me and said,"Do you have an eye condition?" I'm like yeah. Then he said,"KERATOKONUS?" I was like NO WAY, we were so hype. Such a rare disease. It was insane that we both had it and we are both wearing scleral lenses for it.
It was pretty cool to be able to shake Elder Soares' hand. Elder Soares mainly focused on our missionary purpose and what that looks like for us. Such a cool experience. When Elder Nelson and I left back to our area we grinded! We had three lessons and then went door knocking for three hours. It was so rewarding. It was 81 degrees out and the sun was blaring. Let's go! We felt the spirit so much as we just grinded God's work. AMAZING. God is real.
This week Elder Nelson and I have been eating out haha. On Friday we had to travel to Grand Rapids to attend a baptism due to Elder Nelson confirming two of the kids in the baptism. Grand Rapids has literally everything! We got some crumbl and you already know I had to go go five guys! Cajun Fries are so good!
Sunday was when Elder Soares presided over a special stake conference in Lansing. It was broadcasted to every ward/branch in the MLM. It was a very cool experience to hear him speak. I know he is an apostle called of God. I know we have living apostles today. It just makes sense!
This week has been one of the best ones in my mission. Elder Nelson and I find so much joy in the work. We are so happy, the spirit literally beams off our countenance on the doorstep. So many people are talking to us and want to learn more. This week was the most friends I found in one 7 day period in my wholemission! 12 new friends to teach, no way. I love God!
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