Time is running out. That is so sad, exciting, depressing, and scary. All of the above. This week we went out to this super nice resort to play disc golf. It was a 2 mile course and we probably walked about 3-4 miles that day. We payed 10 bucks and it took us about 4 hours. It was really fun except for the fact on Wednesday we heard that Elder Avery had three ticks on him. This terrified me because 1. I was with him on Monday and 2. I literally was shirtless the whole time because I was trying to tan. As of right now I am chilling, everything seems to feel like a tick now.
Wednesday was full of activities. It was the last district council with Elder and Sister Lake with us. They are returning to Utah since they are competing their 18 month mission. We had a two hour meeting with them following the district council to gather together all of our new information to update the branch list. Afterwards, they invited us to go back to Los Ranchos and eat lunch with them. This time I took a photo of the masterpiece (you'll understand when you see the photo). There is something about good mexican food that is unbeatable. For the remainder of the day, we participated in two service projects one was helping a widow out and the other being installing drywall in a shipping container. In the middle of the day we had an amazing lesson with the Mitts family. We found Hailey on Facebook about a transfer back and now we are teaching her two kids, her mother, and her boyfriend.
This week we had district leader exchanges. I was with Elder Avery who is actually from Queen Creek and he went to Queen Creek High School. We were trying to figure out if we knew the same people. We brought up how i used to do olympic weightlifting and he's like,"some small asian kid at my school was insane at that." I am like,"THAT was Dylan bro." I pulled up a photo and confirmed that we were talking about the same person. I found that so funny. Elder Avery came into South Haven for the day. We have been doing a lot of service in this area as well. I get along really well with him. It was a good exchange.
Saturday was Mayra's birthday. She turned 20 so we ended up doing a game night at the church with a bunch of members. It honestly turned out really good. About 20 people showed up and we played a handful of different card/strategy games. Mayra also had her baptismal interview this week and she passed! Woo-hoo. Her baptism is scheduled for Saturday, June 3rd at 6pm. We are so excited for her. She is literally a cheat code. I wish I could explain how elect this girl is. Here is an example. We asked her the question,"what do you think enduring to the end is?" Her response was this,"enduring to the end means remaining faithful to the end of our lives while partaking of the sacrament weekly to renew the covenants we make with God." We feel like she is already a member. There is also a chance she might serve a mission.
As I am concluding the end of the mission, it is honestly really hard to stay focused. I am going to be honest. It seems that Satan is working so hard against me to be more casual, relaxed, or satisfied. What has helped me the most in relying on God through prayer. Everyone, I am exhausted from this mission experience. Once I finish, I know I won't be able to go another day. That's the honest truth. In the gospel topic of prayer it states,"At times, Heavenly Father will counsel, guide, or comfort us while we are on our knees." I know the Lord hears and answers our prayers. I wished I knew how to understand and apply the principle of revelation earlier in my life. I never paused, listened, or even waited in my prayers to receive revelation. Heavenly Father does guide. He will counsel. I know for a fact that He comforts us.
Time is running out. Two more emails and I am home. Love you all.
Elder Clouse
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