Monday, May 15, 2023

With A Splash

 Our preparation days in South Haven have gotten better. The Benton Harbor elders drove over and we decided to go run a course of 18 for Frisbee golf. I have never thrown any Frisbee discs before so it was very new. Who knew that I was so nice with it. We ran teams of two and we shot like 4 over through 18. We also played a handful of games before the day was over. Elder Wessman has gotten me hooked on a game called Azul that I know the family would love. 

This week started with a bang. Tuesday morning we had a call with our friend Mayra Calvillo. She is 19 years old and has been trying to reconnect her relationship with God. She attended church last week and she really enjoyed the fast and testimony meeting. As we met with her for the second time she said,"I apologize guys, I am not a fast reader." We reassured her that she was alright. When we asked where she was she stated,"I finished the book of Nephi." We said,"." We taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ and she accepted the baptismal invitation for June 3rd. As we asked her her feelings about the Book of Mormon, she said with a smile on her face,"The Book of Mormon makes my heart glow. I really believe it to be true." This lesson almost seemed too good to be true. Our hearts melted at the fact we get to be a part of her conversion to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. She has been so prepared by the Lord. 

Following that remarkable lesson we had interviews a couple hours from that. I received my interview for my temple recommendation. I am recommended by the Lord! I am so excited to go back even though I remember absolutely nothing. President Heap and I spoke for about 30 minutes talking about how I could maintain good worthy habits as I return home. It was sad to me that that was my last transfer interview with President Heap. 

Throughout the week, we have been outside in the sun so much. It has been such a blessing. I have stayed consistent with tanning and we are out and about either having lessons in the sun, going door to door, or even doing service for our friends. The downside is my allergies are acting up so much, they have never been so bad in my entire life. I absolutely love the weather currently. This next week it is going to be 65-70 degrees with the UV being 8 everyday and not a cloud in the sky. Does it get better than that?!? 

This weekend turned into service wahzoo! We were running around town either moving someone, doing yard work, or moving more people. It has been really fun though. We love serving God's children. 

Update on our friends on date preparing to be baptized. Keene (he is the homie that lives in two shipping containers) is progressing well. We will have to postpone his baptism due to some substance struggles, but he will get baptized. Our friend Lisa we have decided to take off date since she did not see the importance of the covenant made at baptism… UNTIL she came to church with her husband Sunday, the spirit touched her heart where now she has made a firm decision to become a baptized member of Christ's church. 

Finally, we have our girl Mayra. She is the one we found 2 weeks ago on Facebook. She is 19 and I have never seen someone progress so fast. I also have never been so nervous to teach someone the gospel my whole mission because she is so close to baptism. She is one of the main reasons I got assigned here to South Haven. June 3rd, there will be a baptism in South Haven. The first in over 2.5 years. Hurrah for Israel! She came to church on Sunday and brought us homemade snickerdoodles. I think I will have to compare them to grandma's recipe because they were that good. 

All of our lessons were canceled on Sunday, however, 6 of our friends came to church that day. The members were honestly like astonished haha. The Lord is in charge. Miracles are happening. Elder Clouse will finish with a bang in the Michigan Lansing Mission. Actually, more like a splash  (if you know what I mean). 

Elder Clouse

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